Chapter 30

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I throw the double doors open; Sebastian, Zara, the Cane twins, Nick, Victor, Damien and some generals in the army snap their heads to stare death in the face.

Me and all my form.

Silver eyes and all.

A tiny scale model of the kingdom was on the large table. War plans spread all around.

Without me barging in, the tension was as thick as a heavy fog. Damien's red eyes were standing out proud; Sebastian looks as if he could pop a blood vessel. All feeling stress, worry and anger. Yet Nick was as cool as a cucumber.

"What the fuck Damien?! You said no more secrets!"

My hands grow a tad bit warm. Their eyes flicking downward to my fists. Fire surrounding my closed hand. I close my eyes and take a deep breath; letting the fire vanish.

"I feel as if I'm not being respected, am I wrong?" Obviously, they did not get that they were suppose to answer; for no one moved.

Out of fear, Kat.

Fear is a powerful thing when used correctly.

"I'm not the one who wants me to be queen. And I would take a guess that queen's are suppose to attend meetings? So will someone tell me what the fuck is going on? What threat?"

     The idiots in the room look to the biggest of them all; some would call him the king. I roll my eyes as Damien walks around the table. Before he can open his mouth, I cut him off.

"I deserve to know Damien. You promised no more lies. I am only with you because you said you would not lie anymore."

"I know and I'm sorry," he says before taking a deep sigh, "A growing enemy has threatened not only your life, but Aurora's as well."

"I thought no one knew of Aurora?"

"It seems that we have a rat." Zach answers

"And word of Aurora has reached Axel." Sebastian says

"Who the hell is Axel?"

"My older brother." Damien says; pulling my breath from my lungs.

"I thought your brother was dead."

"I wish. The bastard barley escaped with his life last time I saw him." Damien says while running his hand through his hair.

"He was the original heir to the throne. He was suppose to become the king after our father stepped down, but tradition is that the other sons also have a right to the throne."

"What happen?"

*  *  *

So long ago/centuries

Damien's POV

    Tradition is that the second son is able the right to claim the throne. The sons fight to the death for the right of the kingdom.

     I did not want to kill my brother. But he was not right for the kingdom. He was pure evil, laughing at the pain of others. Everything he does is for his own gain.

     I accepted the fight for not only myself and the kingdom, but for my dead mother. For his rage was the thing that killed her.

     Axel and I stand only a few feet apart in the open area. My father, the king, sits in his viewing area. Drinking his wine while whores attend him.

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