Chapter 31

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A few days later...

    Axel's threats were adding to the pressure of his growing army. Not even the devil himself could know what lies behind Axel's walls. It seems as if Axel knows everything about us; yet we know nothing about him.

    He has power; He has drive. But worst of all, he has rage and vengeance. A blood lust that's craving my flesh. It's not just me, it's my child.

My Aurora.

    He's after my family. Something I haven't had in forever. Such a common thing, but I am robbed from. I won't let this bastard take my home away.

   For the last few days, Damien allows me to attend the meetings. It's Damien, my friends and the generals of Damien's army.

   They take no plan of action. Only discuss the horrors Axel releases on the kingdom. Every time we send scouts, he shreds them to the bone. He burns town villages and forests. He sends letters, demanding that we follow his orders.

   Damien acts as if he is calm and collected. I can see him clearly though. He's stressed; afraid for the worst.

I am just as fearful.

   I have only remembered my daughter for a couple of weeks. Now, she's at risk because of me. She's so innocent in the world, yet at the middle of the war.

And what of me?

   Axel would take Aurora's magic, then slit her throat. Axel would use me for every and any aspect.

Magic, sex, bargaining, blackmail

  After breaking me, he would take my soul. Make me bleed until the streets run with my blood. Rip my bones out to build him a new throne for hell. And send my black heart to Damien.



I'm all to use to it.

"Majesty, Axel is growing stronger everyday. We're running out of options." A general says

"Maybe we can use Katarina for bait." Another general says

"That's not an option." Sebastian snaps back at the gentleman as Damien sits in silence; rubbing his temples.

"Not an option? It's the best explanation!" The man yells, causing an uproar.

"She's all powerful!"

"She could destroy him with the snap of her fingers!"

"She's a demon for hells sake!"

"Enough!" Damien stands up with fiery eyes, yelling for silence.

"That's enough for today. Until tomorrow." The room clears out, leaving only Damien and I.

"You were awfully quiet." Damien says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room.

"I had nothing to say."

"That's a first."

"They were right you know."

"Who was right?"

"The generals. I am the best weapon against Axel and his forces."

"I won't put you in harms way. I promised you, that I would protect you and Aurora."

"And you are. Now it's my turn to protect you. Let me go after Axel. I can kill him."

"His's unlimited. You might be the most powerful witch, but he is unpredictable."

"I'm just trying to protect our family."

"You are. By staying alive." As we talk, we end up in the castle's gardens. Snow falling from the sky, covering the rose bushes with an icy frost. Purity during the time of hardship and blood.

"Katarina?" As I was admiring the frostbite, Damien kneels down on one knee and presents a velvet box. He does not say a word as he opens the tiny box. A sparkling ring of diamonds sits gracefully in its place. Red diamonds that represented the red sky of hell.

"Katarina, will you be my queen?"

"Yes, my love." He slips the ring on my left hand. He gathers me in his arms; smashing his lips on mine.

"Everything I ever wanted...I finally have." I can't help but smile at his words.

He speaks the truth...the truth of both of us.

"Shall we move this to the bedroom, my love?"

"Read my mind." I snap my fingers and we appear in Damien's bedroom.

"I need you now." I snap my fingers yet again to remove my clothing and his.

"Let's do something different, shall we?" He suddenly has a pair of handcuffs. With a wave of his hands, I'm strapped to the bed, by such handcuffs.

"Now keep those legs open." His eyes were dark and demanding. I slowly open my legs; immediately, he jumps right on me. Attaching his mouth to my entrance with no second to spare.

"Damien..." The pressure makes my legs shake, closing them slightly. Damien slaps my pussy when I close them.

"I said, keep them open." Damien finishes me off in a matter of seconds. I don't have time to come down from my high, for Damien thrusts into my heat.

With each thrust, he hits my g-spot, sending me into a daze that I know all to well. I try to pull against the handcuffs, yet it is useless. I wrap my legs around his body and forces Damien to go deeper and faster.

"Your demon eyes are beautiful, my love." Damien grunts our as he stares wonders into my eyes.

And only after a few more pushes, we reach our end. Damien uncuffs me and falls to my side. Both out of breath, exhausted from the trying days; the trying days of past, present and future.

The future is unknown to us.

The dangers of the past are catching up to the present.

And what happens in the present, will affect the future.

The future of my family.

The future of Hell.


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Look, I'm alive.

Not dead, as many people think.

Weird and very surprising.

Now, everyone listen up!





People, I am not done writing. I'm not being dramatic when everyone thinks I have abandoned this book. Please believe me that I will continue writing. I'm just very busy. Which is why I have not been updating.


Your welcome☠️

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