Chapter 18

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"It's me, Victor. Your father."


"You've grown into a beautiful young girl."

"You aren't here. It's just my mind playing a trick on me." I could see out of the corner of my eye; men with black suits. Some on the other side of the street and others behind his man that calls himself my father.

"I'm here my child. In person..."

"You are anything but a person. You're a fucking demon."

"Yes, but I am still your father."

"A real father would never sell his daughter off. Sell her to the actual devil."

"I did it for your own good."

"What kind of father does that? Why?"

"I did it for your protection. You are half demon and half witch. The most powerful one of all. I knew that you would need absolute protection against others who intend to harm you or take you."

"That doesn't mean you sell me to the devil to become his sex toy."

"You will be his queen. You will rule over all of us."

"I don't want that. You and Damien are the ones who are obsessed with power. I never wanted this." I walk past my sorry excuse of a father and continue my walk to the herb shop. Hopefully I can forget about this and continue my plans of leaving.

"You were always destined for this..." But I stop in my tracks and turn to face him again.

"Destined to be with the devil? To be a mindless obedient little slut. I don't want power."

"You can't escape your destiny. You can't escape him."

"But I will try with all my might. I will run until I can no longer hold breath in my lungs. I will never willing go back to that monster."

That's what they were; monsters. All my so called friends, my father and Damien. But the thing that most caught my attention was myself. I too, am a monster. A monster of the night that lurks in the shadows. Enjoys the chaos of this world; enjoys to watch people fall.

There are many different types of monsters; or demons in this case. Ones who crave power and won't stop till they have reached the highest place. Others want to bathe in riches until their blood runs with gold.

Some want to sleep their way to the top. Lusting after someone you can't have. You won't quite be content with just one person. You have to have it all.

Then there's monsters like me. Or maybe I'm the only one there is.

A person who is afraid of the darkness within. Doing everything they can not to give in to the evil. Yet after fighting and fighting, they finally give in. Thinking it's to hard to keep going, so might as well just fall.

Let myself fall back into the darkness and give in to Damien. Let the demon inside, consume me. The power to eat me alive as I weather away.

Yet my fight isn't over just yet. I still have a little punch left in me. I'm ready for some hell fire fun.

"Just tell your boss that he should leave me alone before I do something he regrets." I try to leave again, but Victor grabs my arm.

"I just want to be apart of your life again."

"That will never happen. You sold me. You signed my soul away. Now, let go."

"Katarina, please."

"Stop begging me! I don't care about my so called destiny! Now, let go!" A shock wave goes through my arm to his hand. He jerks back with pain filled eyes. His hand looks as if it were burned by fire.

I place my hands in the pockets of my jacket and speed walk away. I could hear his footsteps behind me, making me walk faster. I could see the men in suits on the other side of the street walking along side me.

"Kat, what ever you are about to do. Don't." Nick appears in the front of me, but I push pass him.

Something was going on. It was no coincidence that my father appears out of no where. And no way in hell that there would be absolutely no one on the streets of New York during this time of day.

"Oh little can't run from him." The Cane brothers stand side by side while smirking at me. I quickly take a sharp turn to the right.

Fuck this shit. I don't care about the spell anymore. I need to get out of here. I need to leave before Damien gets to me.

"Kat, please. I don't want you to get hurt." Zara pops up by my side and grabs my hand.

"I already am, Zara. I've been hurting since the day I was born. I just haven't noticed it till now. Let me go."

"I can't." Another shock wave and she burns her hand at the touch of my skin.

     I continue trying to get away from Damien's followers. My walking turning into running. At times like these, I do wish I could fly on a broomstick.

    I wasn't looking in front of me because I run straight into something; or rather someone. I back up a bit to see Damien and Sebastian.

"This all could have been easier if you just cooperated." Sebastian says

"But now we get to do it the fun way." Damien smirks as his eyes flash to a red color. Remaining there and not returning to his human green eyes. His features become sharper then before; if he couldn't get anymore devilishly handsome.

"Go away Damien!"

"Come now, kitten. Why don't you just give in to me?"

"I will not! I rather die then be with you." He takes steps towards me. I wish I could run, but my feet wouldn't move. I was frozen in place.

"I love you my queen. Soon, you will see what I have done for you and will do for you. We will be together again." He pulls me in close and crushes his lips to mine.

     Then everything goes dark. The light fades off into the distance as the darkness consumes me.

Kind of a boring chapter, but the next one is a killer!

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Kind of a boring chapter, but the next one is a killer!

Just wait for what I have in store

Hope you enjoy!

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