Chapter 22

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    Damien kept to his word about a grand ball in my honor. A way for the people of the kingdom to meet their future queen. A way to get in favor with the many lords and ladies.

A way for Damien to show his new fuck toy. Some new eye candy to show off.

    The news of the celebration spread like wild fire throughout hell. It seems my way of striking fear in their hearts had no use. Every citizen was more than willing to catch a glance at the future queen. It didn't even bother them that I tried to kill them.

Good for nothing demons.

   Damien getting smarter by the second, he keeps me under lock and key. Always two guards outside my door; a strong protection spell placed over the door itself; never ever letting me out of the room.

    The morning of the party arrived faster than I wanted. I had no idea what Damien had planned, but I was sure it would not be good.

"Miss Katarina?" Rapid knocks bang against my door. I groan and roll over to my back.

"Go away!"

"Miss Katarina, the king sent us to help you get ready for tonight's ball."

"I'm wearing pajamas. There, your job is finished."

"But Miss..."

"If I let you in, will you shut up?"


"Come in." The door slowly opens and five older woman enter the room. All of which are carrying different things in their arms.

"Miss Katarina, we need you to get out of bed and into the shower at once." I sit up in bed while rolling my eyes.

"And what will you do if I don't?"

"Oh come now..." The lady starts to walk forward, but Salem hisses at her to stay away.

"Miss Katarina, please get your pet under control before I feed it to the dogs."

You better back the fuck up lady before I cut you to pieces, then feed you to Salem bit by bit.

"Fine." I throw the blankets on the floor; making the woman scramble to pick it up. I enter the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

     I actually did need a shower, so I hop in and turn the water on. I wash my hair and body before leaving the shower. With a look in the mirror, I could determine, that my eyes had a little less life in them. Before this, I had a current light; a light I had for a life that wasn't much full. They seem more dull and my skin was paler than before.

"Miss, we have to start getting ready." With a sigh, I throw on a robe and open the door. One woman pulls my arm and makes me sit on a chair. Another starts to brush out my short hair.

This. Is. Not. Going. To. Be. Fun.

*  *  *

    After three hours of hair pulling, burning and all around pain. I manage to look alright...for a party I didn't feel like attending.

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