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A few years later...

After the death of Axel Blackwood, the mutant demons withered away into ash. All that was left was the dead bodies of the fallen and the blood that was smeared over everything.

Damien and I left the battlefield, hand in hand. The breath stuck in my lungs finally was let go. The lives of my husband and my children were now safe and happy. Damien and I returned to our kingdom, where peace and serenity surrounded the underworld.

With the return of the brave soldiers and with the lost of loved ones, a ball was held in their honor. Hell celebrated the death of the vicious Axel; his head was placed on a spike. Set in the middle of the giant dining table.


But Axel deserved it.

Everything went back to the way it was. Aurora had showed signs of magic; Kai was becoming a spitting image of his father and I fell pregnant once again.

Damien just can't keep it in his pants.

The Underworld was back to its dark self.

* * *

"Happy Birthday my love." I whisper to a half asleep Damien. I lightly peck his lips, but that cues him to wake up. He rolls me over to my side while wrapping his arms around me; peppering my neck with kisses.

"I can't believe you remember my birthday."

"Of course I did. I invited Zara and Sebastian, as well as Zach."

"And that's a good idea? To invite Zach?"

"We need to be there for him. Zach lost his brother. He hasn't been the same since then. Maybe being with his friends again, he can start to heal."

"Okay, but we have to get up before the kids come to find us. For the time being, how are these two doing?" He rolls me over to get a better view at my growing belly. Multiple kicks are the response to Damien's loving touch. The twins were much more active then their siblings.

"They are just perfect. Exhausting me to no end though." He chuckles before placing a kiss to my stomach.


"And our peace ends."

* * *

"Kai would you please give your sister her sheep back?" I told my older son for the millionth time today.

"Mom, I'm trying to get her to not be scared anymore." Kai responds

"Kai, give Aurora her sheep back. Now." For some odd reason, my own kids would never listen. Yet whenever Damien decided to speak up, they would listen without another second to spare. Kai passes the stuffed animal over to the pouting Aurora. My daughter retreating to her father for comfort.

Damien does work at the table while Aurora sat close by. Kai and my youngest son Ares playing video games on the tv. The door slams open, Zara walking through with Sebastian and their son close behind.

"Aunt Zara!" My boys leave their precious video games to greet their Aunt Zara; who they both have a crush on. Sebastian and Zara's son Orion joining Aurora. They have been two pees in a pod ever since Orion was born.

"How is my favorite pregnant lady?" Zara asks

"I'm ready to rip my hair out. I love my kids, but at times..."

"Yes well, my Orion is perfect." At her comment, we look towards our angels; Orion and Aurora. Both of which were engaging in a conversation about the show, my little pony.

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