Chapter 41

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Damien's Point of View:

My son's eyes captured me. The sparkly grey eyes were like my own; when they weren't their powerful red. And that smile like his mother's.

He looked like a carbon copy of myself.

"He's gorgeous, Katarina." Ripping my eyes off my new born child, my gaze goes to my wife. Her skin was laced with sweat and an unusually pale color. Her lips were almost white like snow.

"Zara!" She comes running in; I don't give her the time to say anything as I pass my child to her.

"Go now!" She scurries out of the room, taking my child with her.


    I kneel down beside her, grabbing her shoulders. I lightly shake her to get her to wake up. Yet nothing. Her pulse was weak and barely there.

    I didn't realize the Doctor was still in the room. His shouting and movements caught me off guard. He was barking orders at the nurses. The ladies running over to Katarina; checking on her weak state.

"What's the problem, Doctor?" I could feel my demon on the edge of bursting out. I could rip his throat out in a split second if I saw fit.

"Katarina has lose a lot of blood. We need to stop her from bleeding or else she will die." My hand flies to his throat; tightening around his air way.

"If you don't save my wife, I will rip your soul out." I pull away from his throat and place my attention back on my dying wife.

    I try to use my magic as to bring the light back into her cheeks. The warmth in her blood was ice cold now. As hard as I tried to bring life back to her, nothing would work.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, your magic will not have an effect on her. Please let us to our job." One of the nurses says to me

"Save her..." I peck her icy forehead before walking towards the door.


   I slum my way down the hall to the newly built room. The new nursery for our child was put in a few weeks ago. It was the only way I could cope with Kat being kidnapped. I don't blame her for what she did; she did it to save our daughter. I would have done the same for her and Aurora.

The small whimpers pull my attention to the little human in the crib. Zara must have stepped out for a minute. My son was kicking around in his crib, playing with the toy bear.

I couldn't bare to look at him. Just a few minutes ago, I couldn't stop staring at his eyes. Now, all
I see is my wife; my dying wife.

Because of him.

"Daddy..." Aurora's sweet voice lifts my heart up.

"Hi princess." She joins my side, trying her best to see the tiny figure in the bed.

"Is that my sibling?"

"Yes. Your brother."

"Daddy, are you crying?" Indeed I was; the tears were hot to the touch. They burned my cheeks as it trails down.

"Your mother...she isn't doing well."

"She's going to be okay, right?"

"She's strong. She'll make it." Aurora truly takes after her mother. To smart for her own good.

"You can't blame baby brother for hurting mommy. He's a baby."

"How did you get so smart?" I kneel down to her height and kiss her cheeks; earning a giggle.

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