Chapter 6

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The next morning...

After a night of looking over my shoulder, I finally made it home without loosing my mind.

My bed welcomed me with open arms. Salem laying there all cute. I collapse on the bed and pass out in an instant.

I'll solve a problem tomorrow.

* * *

I knew it would take all day to figure out what this mark was. I wake way beyond my alarm. I believe it's dawn.

Salem claws at my legs as I try to get out of bed. She was not happen about waking up so early. She was a house cat for sure.

"Salem, stop." I grab her in my arms and carry her to the kitchen. I place her down on the couch and carry on with my business.

I go through the cabinets and grab my materials. Herbs, liquids, a giant pot. Witch stuff. And don't forget the spell book.

I flip through the pages until I something catches my eye. A spell in which will identify the mark and where it comes from.

"Let's see...rosemary...thyme..."

I throw all the ingredients into the pot. Mixing all the items together. I blow into the bowl; smoke flows out and into the air around me.

"Quid notam habet. Quid sit et quid erit."

I repeat the phrase while the potion brews. The smoke grows into a fire. The potion setting in fire, then dying away. Quick and easy spells.

I had to be careful with what I did. All spells have a price. All spells drive me further into the darkness. Tiny spells like this was a risk, but it wasn't that bad.

I take the potion between my fingers and rub it all around the mark. The next thing I read in the book, made me barf a bit.

I pour the substance into a near by cup. I look towards Salem while holding the cup.

"Bottoms up Salem." I drink down the potion. I try to forget the slimy liquid trailing down my throat. It could be described as frog juice; whatever frog juice tastes like.

"Well, we will see."

I got a feeling. Like a feeling when you're craving something. Immediately, I grab a piece of paper with a pen. My hand starts to move on it's own. Writing at a fast pace with no time to stop.

My hand drew the mark in the corner of the paper. Information in the middle of the page.

The pentagram; or the Devil's mark.

The mark has many different meanings. It can ether bring bad luck, such as a curse or protection for a loved one.
It is very difficult to remove such a mark. If removed wrongly, can cause serious damage.
Only a person of high power can place the mark. If attempted to remove mark will alarm the person who put it there.
Very dangerous and very dark magic. Do not attempt to remove.

Just fucking great. I'm so screwed. This mark can mean two different things; both of which are bad in my book. For now, I will leave it here. Or maybe I'll just 'alarm' the person who put it here and give them a piece of my mind.

Just before I can clean up my potion, I get a head rush. I feel something slip down my face and to my lips. A bloody nose once again. Darkness consuming me.

* * *


Superstition was nothing new to us in New Orleans. Voodoo was a regular thing for these citizens. Still didn't mean we could practice our skills out in the open.

Ruby and I were now working as maids. Serving one of the many rich people in town. It was the yearly festival to celebrate the good harvest. The men over the years never did change; all they would do was stare.

I was only a maid, but I could still bring men to their knees. I was after all, a very powerful witch. Many people had their fears with us; see things out of the corner of their eye. All some stupid hocus pocus.

"Katarina, did you turn the bed?" Ruby calls

"Yes Aunt."

"Good. The guest will be arriving soon. I will not have you get into trouble again."

"I'm sorry Aunt."

"It's alright. Now come." I follow with my hands behind my back into the main room. I line up with the other maids and await the arrive of the mysterious guest. The Canes always have him over during this time; this was my Aunt's and I's first year here. That's why I have never met him.

"Oh, Mister Blackwood. So good of you to join us again." The lady of the house greets the man that enters the house. He was a very handsome man, but out of my station. What's the number one rule; never love.

"It's good to be back." His voice was deep and holds authority over all.

"Who is this lovely lady?" I saw his shoes stand in front of me. My head was low, but I could tell he was talking to me.

"One of our new maids." The lady of the house says

"What's your name miss?" The Mister Blackwood says

"Katarina Night, sir." His finger moves under my chin. He makes me look up at him; our eyes meeting.

"It's nice to meet you." He was nicer then most people. One look at a maid and they think you are nothing. He was actually showing me kindness.

"And you, sir."

"I hope to see you at the festival."

"If my duties allow me."

"Until tomorrow, fair Katarina."

         I never did see that man again. That night my Aunt led us away. Telling me that our time was done there. I was beginning to see through her lies.

*  *  *

       Another dream. I don't remember meeting him. I see the guy once and I'm dreaming about him. But the weird thing was, it was my memories I was dreaming him in. The man always looks like Damien Blackwood; was it his ancestor?

        I had no clue what was happening. Only my theories. Memories about meeting a man who looks like Damien Blackwood. He wasn't a witch; I would be able to tell. I have no fucking idea what I'm dreaming about.

       It was dark once again. Time to get to work to deal with Mister Blackwood. Him and his undying charm. It was getting harder and harder to resist. All thanks to him and these stupid dreams.

A little more of Kat's last

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A little more of Kat's last.

Hope you all enjoy

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