Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained Supercut | Gravity Falls | Disney Channel

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Stan's Tattoo

Dipper "Ugh, just what is it he's hiding?"

Bill "I can tell you kid, just need to hear out my demands."

Dipper "No."

Mable "Gasp. Maybe it's a unicorn tattoo."

Pacifica "Yah, like that could be it."

Either Stan nor Ford, who's in the other room, spoke, for it is too painful to talk about it.

Gideon "Stanford Pines has a tattoo?" he whispers "Tell me more."

Soos "I have no regrets."

Wendy "That's a little weird." (Stan in the shower in full clothed.)

Robbie "Ha! Goober."

McGucket  "The Birds are a comin'!"

The Mailbox

Mable "Anyone want to see me stuff gummy worms up my nose? Into my nose, into my nose."

Everyone but Mable "No!"

Dipper "Why do you not listen to me!?"

Pacifica "Why would you ever do that!?"

Stan "That's creepy kid."

(Ford) "She just ruined a perfect Paranormal discovery."

Gideon "I could have getting all my answers!"

Soos "Not cool hambone."

Wendy "Awe Boo!"

Robbie "Total lost."

McGucket "I want that rusty metal!"

Bill to himself "3012. Well, better start planning my list of what things I want to do before the world ends."

The Hide-Behind

Bill "Nice work kid."

Dipper "It was behind me! And I got it on Camera!"

Pacifica "Guess some of the town's folks aren't that crazy."

Mable "I still wanted to keep that Maraca Owl."

Stan "Now that is an attraction."

(Ford) "That boy actually got footage of the Hide-Behind!"

Gideon Whispers "I what it."

Soos "Dudes not a legend."

Wendy "Ugh, great. Back to fixing the house again."

Robbie "So making that my wallpaper."

McGucket "Was it behind me? Thought it was my raccoon wife trying to hug me. Hehehe."

The Candy Monster

Dipper "Huh, guess it's not that terrifying."

Mable "The candy is saved."

Pacifica "Ew, it's so disgusting!"

Bill "Is that Man-Mon?"

Stan "What?! I don't look like anything like that monster creep."

(Ford) "I wouldn't be so sure about it."

Gideon "I can see the resemblance."

Soos "Whoops, sorry dude."

Wendy "Is that what happened back in sixth grade?"

Robbie "Now that I think about it, maybe?"

McGucket "I played poker with that fella, he took all my possum meat."

The Tooth

Dipper "Did you have to bring that creepy puppet with you?"

Mable "Awe come on, Dipper. He's always up for adventures!"

Pacifica "I'm agreeing with your bother, that puppet is creepy."

Bill "I like my other puppet better."

Stan "Yeesh, it's like puppies and kittens had a baby."

(Ford) "Is she sure it's not a mutant chipmunk beaver wolverine hybrid?"

Gideon "Bear-O is... cute, sugar plume." trying not to wet his pants.

Soos "It's like a horror movie dudes."

Robbie "That is so going to be on my album cover."

Wendy "Which one? the Bear Puppet or the Giant Head?"

McGucket "Gah! monster Bear!"

The Lefty

Dipper "That's does NOT count as a theory. Mable!"

Mable "Ha ha."

Bill "What the- little green globs?"

Pacifica "That weird guy was a half robot?"

Stan "Freak show."

(Ford) "Incredible."

Gideon "Wasn't he at my show?"

Soos "Dude's super freaky."

Wendy "So that's what happened to that guy."

Robbie "Whoa."

McGucket "That ain't no my robotics."

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