Mabel is Terrible

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Mabel "What? pff no."

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McGucket "Well, Those are good example points."

Gideon "You are evil."

Pacifica is pissed off to know that Dipper lost his first kiss "You Bitch!" and starts beating the living daylights out of her. And no one is stopping her.

Wendy "I can't believe you, Mabel! You made Your own twin Brother sacrifice everything he worked so hard for,  just so you can be happy? What is wrong with you?!"

Robbie "I'm still mad at you."

Soos "Hambone is no longer cool, dudes."

Stan "Yeesh, and I didn't see this at all."

Ford "Mabel. You have doomed us all."

Bill "Nice work, Shooting Star." he turns to Dipper "So how are you going to deal with your sister now, Pine Tree?"

Dipper "I'm going to cut all ties with her, so I can live out my own life. If she doesn't becomes a more mature responsible grown-up person."

Mabel let out a huge shocking gasp "Dipper, you can't do that!"

Dipper "I'm my own person, Mabel! I don't need you to tell me what I can or cannot do, I can do that on my own."

Mabel "But I need you, Dipper!"

Dipper gave his twin a hard cold glare "No. You don't. You brought this upon yourself and I'm not dealing with your f*cking crap anymore."

Pacifica walks/limps over to left shoulder Dipper "You tell her, Dipper."

And Wendy on the right "Right on dude!"

Mabel broke down into tears hoping someone will come to her aid and help her, but no one did, not even Gideon, now that they have seen what kind of person Mabel really is.

Shinshinjane "The very moment I saw Mabel on screen I instantly don't like her, and I've been disliking her more and more as the show progresses."

Bill "Really?"

Shinshinjane "Call it having a 'good sense of who's bad and who's not'. I've been testing it on fictional characters so that I can use this when I'm facing with somebody I just met."

Bill and everyone else, but Mabel who just sloches in the corner of the room pouting with her brused arms cross "Impressive." "Good idea." "I need to work on mine then."

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