Sock Opera Part 1 (Fight Falls Comic Dub)

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Dipper glares at his sister "Mabel."

Mabel laughs nervously "At least it didn't happened here, right?"

Dipper "Just don't do stuff like your fighter counterpart did."

Bill "I wonder what the 'me' in that universe is like?"

After seeing Kill Cipher

Dipper felt his heart stop beating for a second or it skipped a beat, Bills counter part is down right terrifyingly scary. The way he said that he can kill him in his dreams and how he made is hand go right through his stomach.

Bill sighs "Of course it's him."

Ford ask Bill "You know him?!"

Bill "Unfortunately yes, he's my second older brother."

Everyone else "What?!"

Robbie "That creep freak is your older brother?"

Pacifica "He's way too much like my father, with the way he acts."

Gideon "He's insane!"

Soos "That dude looks like he's going to murder us!"

Wendy "Dude, how many siblings do you have?!"

Bill "I already told you meatsacks that my memory is fuzzy, but something of it is returning back slowly."

McGucket fling his arm around the yellow triangle demon shoulders, if triangles even have shoulders "Great, we can work on getting our memories back together!"

Bill peeled the old man's arm off him "No thanks, that's going to be a hard pass no."

Stan "Well, time to bury my money and gold."

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