Gravity Falls Theme Song 【EXTENDED Rock Version】Song by NateWantstoBattle

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Robbie "Now this is Awesome." fist pump.

Wendy "Totally."

Dipper "Okay. This guy is cool."

Pacifica "It's not bad, I will say that."

Bill "I'm so saving this Rock Theme Song Version."

Mable "The cover needs more glitter."

Gideon "It needs more power."

Soos "It's awesome!"

McGucket "It's wild I tell yawl!"

Stan "Uh, I don't get what's so great about this rocker. Now back in my day those are some real rock artistes."

(Ford) "For once I agree with you Stanley."

Shinshinjane "Yeah, NateWantsToBattle is one of my favorite Internet star singer of all time. I have at least 42 of his original songs, parodies, opening and ending theme songs on my iPod. And I am still saving more into music list."

Everyone "Whoa..."

Mable "Are we going to listen to any of them?"

Shinshinjane "I may or may not play a few of my favorite songs on this list."

Mable is squealing with joy while some of the group were both curious and concerned about what songs she has in mind.

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