IS BILL CIPHER REALLY DIPPER PINES? The Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel

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"WHAT!?" Everyone yelled, but no one yelled louder than Bill and Dipper.

Ford "No Way! That's scientifically impossible!"

Mabel "My Bro is the Triangle Guy?" she notice Grunkle Stan doing something with his hand in the air, "Grunkle Stan what are you doing?"

Stan "Sorry I was fallowing the Holy Mackerel salute."

Pacifica "This can't be real!"

Wendy "No way!"

Soos "Dudes this is bonkers crazy!"

Robbie "It a brain explosion! We've known too much!"

Gideon "I made a deal with Dipper Pines?!"

McGucket "Honey fogelin', saltlickin' skullduggery."


Dipper raised his hand to his eyes.

Bill rubs his arms in discomfort.

Later on

Dipper and Bill Let out a sigh of relief, seeing that all of the theories pointing to them being one and the same being. Are not true. But still it's scary to think their might be a different universe where it might have been real.

It was Pacifica's turn to hug Dipper praying to him to never leave, or to scare like that ever again. Dipper doesn't know if he can promise Pacifica's wishes, but he wont know until he tries.

Stan clenches his heart "Oh God, I hope you kid never have to go though that ever!"

Ford "So this 'Tad Strange', is he also your brother Bill?"

Bill "It's possible."

Shinshinjane "Next reaction."

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