Part 3 Gravity Falls Comic Dub (Gravity Falls Lost Legends: Comix Up)

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Stan "NO! No comics!"

Everyone minus Ford, "What?!"

Stan "

Shinshinjane "Mabel. You just ruined a perfectly good comic book."

Mabel "No, I just made it better."

Shinshinjane "No! If you keep them intact and don't damage them, they can be worth a major amount of money! I'm talking about between $300,000.00 to $3,000,000.00!"

Everyone "WHAT!!!!??!!" turns to the sister twin in the Pines family "MABEL!!!!!"

Mabel "Okay! I wont use whiteout on any more comics."

Soos "Isn't it weird that we're reading a comic book version of ourselves and that we're going inside of a comic book while we're in a comic book?"

Dipper "That's is so weird."

Pacifica "Creepy is more like it."

Bill laughing is triangle but off at seeing the guys in sailor fuku uniforms for girls "Oh man, remind me to put that in your nightmares!"

Robbie "Looser!"

Gideon "my Peach dumpling is so beautiful."

Shinshinjane snaps her fingers and sailor fukus appeared on Robbie, Gideon, and Bill.

Robbie, Gideon and Bill "KYA!!!"

While everyone else laughs at their misfortune.

McGucket "I don't know why yawl screaming, this is kinda comfortable." some how got roped into wearing a sailor fuku with the other guys too, while everyone else was a little bit creeped out at McGucket's comment.

Ford "'Disney Press' Who or what is Disney."

Bill "Ya got me."

Mabel "Looks like Mabel saves the day!"

Shinshinjane "Okay that's the only time I can be satisfied see whiteout being used on a comic."

Stan "A kid bought my comic, THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!"

Soos "This is a truly a remarkable great day."

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