Part 4 Gravity Falls Comic Dub (Lost Legends: Don't Dimension It)

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Robbie "Weirdmagenddon? What the heck does that mean?"

Bill "Finally! It happened! After all these years it has come to pass!"

Ford "But it's over, Cipher. You loose."

Bill "Well I'll make sure that I wont."

Mabel "I'm Self-Centered!? You're the ones who are Self-Centered!" Points to everyone around her.

Wendy "Whoa Mabel, your being a little harsh there."

Bill shook his fist "Hey! I'm not the worst! Ungrateful jerks!"

Dipper "Hay, if there's a statue of you then would that means..."

Ford "You're dead, Cipher."

Bill "... F*ck."

Soos "Was that a fish universe of us, dudes?"

Gideon "I must be in heaven."

Dipper "A Mabel version of me?"

Pacifica "I can't believe there's so many worlds."

Soos "Mabro? That's a good one."

Everyone shudder at the sight of the Stan-Mabel.

Bill "Now that is a nightmare."

Ford is reviled as a criminal in the multiverse

Bill and Stan laugh at this info

Bill "Ahahahaha! I can't believe you Poindexter! You really surprise me!"

Stan "Gahaha! You're a criminal out there Sixer!?"

Ford "It was for the name of science."

Bill "But I'm more interested in that Quantum Destabilizer, Ford."

Wendy "Whoa, a military Mabel."

Dipper "An evil anti version of Mabel."

Pacifica "Who knows how many evil versions of us there are."

Soos "Probably a gazillions, dawg."

Mabel "Ugh! These Mabels are being so Self-Center! Ooh."

Dipper smirked a little seeing his sister realizing the truth.

Dipper "Now you know how much I had to deal with your actions and consequences."

Mabel "I'm sorry, Dipper. I hope I can find some why to make it up to you."

Everyone else behind them "Ahem!"

Mabel "And all of you guys, of course."

Wendy laughs at the joke "Nice one."

Robbie "Is that a mace Mabel?"

Gideon "What, she loves her pig than me?!"

Ford "It came true!"

Stan "I agree with myself, all of this is dumb."

Mabel pulls Anti-Mabel's sweater off to show a T-shirt that says in bold black and red letters "I HATE CATS"

Soos "Would that help Mr. Pines?"

Stan "That's good enough proof. I still can't believe Mabel calling me and Sixer kids."

Ford "You said it."

Dipper was surprise to see Mabel handing him a blue journal with a silver Pine Tree in the center.

Mabel "Does this means I'm forgiven?"

Dipper gave his sister a small smile "Only a little bit, but I'm glad that you made it back alright."

Wendy "You know now that I think about it, when Bill said Weirdmagenddon has happened and Mabel learned about her self centeredness because of a wormhole from what I assume is Bill's take over plot."

Ford "So what you're saying is that Bill help us to be a better person of ourselves?"

Wendy "It kind a makes sense."

Everyone thought long and hard until Bill spoke.

Bill "I guess Weirdmagenddon did some good for you meatsacks."

Soos "So is the weird apocalypse gonna happen or not?"

Again, everyone thought long and hard until Stan spoke for everyone's answer.

Stan "Eh, whatever happens, happens."

Everyone "Yeah./ I agree./ I can survive the weirdness./ Agree./ We'll be fine."

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