Blind Reaction: Gravity Falls Season 2 Episodes 7-11

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Skip to Episode 11 if you want to. Warning some swearing is in this video.


Episode 7

Dipper "'Coyotes are coming for our sweetbreads.' So that's what that means."

Pacifica "Oh God."

Mable "What does ' Oh, Star Lighting bolt, pond number keypad, skull 'n crossbones, dollar sign and exclamation point/mark' means?"

Stan "Wait until you're older sweetie."

Robbie "They even got me too?!"

McGucket "Oh yeah, why did no body pointed that out?"

Gideon "Father?"

Wendy "Didn't you know about this?!"

Gideon "No, only that he's in a club. I didn't know he meant this!"

Pacifica "You're you, Dipper."

Dipper "Pacifica."

Pacifica "You helped me, and you help your family. You are very supportive and kind."

Soos "Well, time to erase that forever

Bill "So that's what happened to that guy."

Stan "That would explain the idiots of this town."

(Ford) "I can't believe Fiddle 

Thanks for opening my eyes

Mabel "Awe your welcome."

Dipper "I think I'm seeing the pattern there."

Wendy "What the heck is that Mr. Pines?"

Stan "It's... complicated to explain and it's hard for me to explain it all to you."

Mabel "Hey, when you're ready you can tell us. We're family."

Episode 8

Gideon "I'm not a demon."

Wendy "Whoa!"

Dipper "Yah, Wow."

Pacifica "Eight years. Oh my god, Soos I'm so sorry."

Soos "Well, he can take a hike. I know who are my family now, it's these dudes." he group hugged Dipper and Mable.

Robbie "Whoa, freaky."

Stan "Time wishes, eh?"

(Ford) "A time wish."

McGucket "That is one huge baby."

Bill "Shooting Star, your crazy. Almost crazy as me, and that's saying something."

Episode 9

Dipper "That is one of the thing I regret doing in Gravity Falls."

Wendy "Well, there's always a chance to make it up to Robbie."

Gideon "A love god, at last I can get Mabel to fall in love with me."

Mabel "Don't bother, it's not worth it."

Robbie "Seriously you drugged me and Tambery with love potion?" 

Mabel "Uhh, maybe?"

Wendy "Mabel."

Mabel "I'm Sorry! I just wanted to be a good match maker! and to make everyone happy."

Dipper "Thankfully she learned her lesson about messing with other people's fate."

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