Part 1 Gravity Falls Comic Dub (Gravity Falls Lost Legends: Face It)

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Ford "Finally I'm tracking down that Moth-man."

Dipper "A wrinkle, really Pacifica?"

Pacifica "Hey, I need to look perfect! My mother told me so." she said that last part dejected.

Dipper looks at her in sympathy "Pacifica..."

Wendy "Way da go Stan, you scared a young girl for life."

Robbie "What's it's face? what kind of name is that?"

Stan "A stupid one, that's what."

Ford "Listen young lady, you don't want his help. He's takes away anyone's face when you make a deal with him."


Ford "See what I mean."

Bill "I think you look good, shooting star."

Pacifica "She's right, I mean I'm right."

Robbie laughs mean at Dipper "Ya sure about that kid?"

Soos "I still remember that kiss I had with that lady."

Wendy turns to Soos and asked "When did that happened?" then back to Dipper "By the way man, cool key you got there."

Gideon "Why can't I have anything powerful and cool."

Stan "Because your creepy."

Mcgucket "Well, down they go."

Shinshinjane "I think I like Koh a lot better than this guy."

Dipper "Who's Koh?"

Shinshinjane "He's a spirit from a different world, he is known as Koh the Face Stealer. If anyone comes across him they have to stay completely calm and to show no fear and no emotion at all, or he will steal their face."

Robbie "Sounds so made up."

Shinshinjane "How about I'll summoned him here with us?"

Everyone "No!!!"

Shinshinjane "That's what I thought."

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