28 I Trust U

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Part 28

Raizadas were in living room watching TV. Khushi distributed them "jelabies" which she made. NK came there and snatched the remote and started changing the channels one by one.

Mano(tasting jelabie): Wow, it's really mouthwatering....

Nani: Haan Khushi bitiya, it's so tasty.

NK: Poor Naanav, he is not lucky enough to taste it.

Khushi: No no Nanneji, I prepared sugar free jelabies too

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Khushi: No no Nanneji, I prepared sugar free jelabies too.

NK: That's great.

NK changed the next channel. There was news about KUMBHMELA. NK changed it hurriedly.

Khushi: Nanneji, please please keep the news. I like to watch Kumbhmela.

Raizadas became silent. Their gazes rooted on Manorama whose eyes became teary. She left the place closing her mouth to control her whimper. Manohar followed her as he knew the outcome. Khushi was perplexed seeing Manorama crying for the first time. She always looks smiling. What happened to her suddenly? Raizadas went to their respective rooms one by one. Khushi couldn't understand anything. NK changed the channel in which Kumbhmela news was shown and handed over the remote to Khushi. He was about to leave, Khushi stopped him.

Khushi: Nenneji, what happened to mamiji? Why she became sad suddenly? I saw her crying...

NK: This news is the reason Bhabi...

Khushi: News? What's there in this news?

NK: The biggest tragedy of our life held in Kumbhmela.

Khushi: Tragedy? What are you talking about?

NK: She lost her daughter in Kumbhmela fifteen years before.

Khushi (shocking): What???? Daughter? Do you have sister?

NK: WE had.

Khushi: Nenneji please tell me clearly.

NK: We missed her in the crowd. We have no idea, how and where she is. We don't even know whether she is alive or not.

Khushi: How old she was when you missed her?

NK: Just five years. We searched her until Kumbhmela got finished. We filed missing case in Varnasi police station and returned to Delhi. Ma became stressed thinking about her lost daughter. She almost became mad. It took few years for her to come out of it. She always prays for my sister's betterment. Ma believes, My sister will be fine somewhere and she will meet her before her last breath.

Khushi's eyes started pouring as she knew, how difficult to survive alone in this world. Especially for girls. Didn't she watching news? How cruel news flashing on TV in day to day life? She prayed whole heartedly for Manorama's lost daughter.

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