Chapter 17: Harrassment

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Sean and I took turns on driving as we got closer and closer to Nevada. We finally made it to Nevada but we were still a few hours away from Haven Point. We did stop a few times to get something to drink and picked up a map or use the bathroom but other than that we continued on the whole day.

The next night, Sean and I were sitting on the hood of the car. I was enjoying the view of the starry night sky while Sean was smoking a cigarette, which he found in the car. Obviously, the owner was a smoker. I laid there for a few more moments before a pain shot through my hand and it began to tremble. I let out a gasp and sat up as I hold my left hand to my chest again. 

"You okay?" Sean asked me, concern lacing his voice. "Yeah...just need to get my medicine." I replied as I slide off of the hood and get into the passenger seat of the car. I sighed then dug into my backpack and pulled out the bottle of pills. 

Sean gets into the driver's seat as I poured out a couple of pills, closed the bottle up and put it away. Then I grabbed a water bottle, put the pills in my mouth then drank the water and swallowed the pills. "Guess this is our room for the night." Sean said as I put my water bottle down. "I'd give it a two star review." I joked and Sean laughs. " service here sucks." He jokes. "But at least it's on wheels and we can go wherever we want." I said and we chuckle a bit.

"How much gas is left?" I asked him. "Not enough to get us to Haven Point, that's for sure. I'd say at least a few more miles before we'd have to abandon it and start walking." He replied. "Oh fuck. I'm not looking forward to that." I grumbled. "Same here." He said then his head twitches a bit. 

" eye itches." He said. "Is it time to clean it?" I asked him. "Yeah, can you get the stuff?" He said and I go into his backpack and pull out the medicine. "Okay...just like I showed you earlier, okay?" He said and I nodded. He pulls off the patch over his eyes and I began to clean his eye. "Damn, Sean....I'm so sorry about your eye." I said as I swabbed his eye with a medicine covered Q-tip.

"It's okay, not your fault." He said. "But it is. I'm the one who said that we should go ahead and take the money, once we got there at Merrill's. I was just..." I said then I stopped as I take a deep breath. Then I finished cleaning his eye and got out a new patch for him and put it over his eye.

"It was a stupid idea. I was just thinking of you and Daniel. You two needed that money the most out of all of us, I'm just tagging along for the ride. I thought...since we were already there and Finn and Daniel made it there just fine...I thought well it's just right there, we should be able to make it. We just grab the money and go. that choice cost you an eye." I said, tearfully. "And your hand." Sean said and I scoff at this. "Yeah, but my hand can heal...your eye is basically gone. I wish I could take it back. Hell, I wish I was the one that got the glass in the eye." I said as I put away the medicine back into his bag.

"Don't say that, (y/n). Okay...I agreed to it. So, if you want to be was both of our fault. And Finn's." Sean said and I look up at him then I go and hug him, he wraps his arms around me as well. I bury my face into his shoulder as he runs his hand up and down my back. "I don't blame you for what happened." He said to me and a small smile forms on my face.

I pull back from the hug then cupped his face in my hands and stared at him. "Well, one good thing you can cosplay as a pirate." I said, smiling. "Oh ha ha." He said, sarcastically, and I giggle. We stare at each other for a few moments, finally, a quiet moment between us. He places his right hand on my cheek and strokes it with his thumb while I leaned into his touch.

I go and kiss his forehead, then his right cheek then his left before I lean my forehead against his and we stared at each other, lovingly. Then he picks up my left hand and runs his finger over the scar on the back of my hand. I look up at him as he lifts up my hand to his lips and kisses it. 

Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Female!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz