Chapter 22: Wolves

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Once upon a a wild...wild world...there were two wolf brothers living in their home lair with their papa wolf...They lived in peace...until hunters took their dad away...The wolf brothers wandered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own...for the first time...they met a friendly fox, who was trying to find a home as well

That's when the big brother and the fox discovered that the little one was not an ordinary wolf... but a super wolf!

They decided to head south to the distant land of their ancestors...But the journey was long and dangerous...Still, the wolf brothers and the Friendly Fox made new friends on the way... they learned more about the world, but danger seemed to always follow them...

After a bad accident, they were separated... the big brother and the fox had been hurt and the hunters finally captured them...They put them in a cage... but when they finally escaped, they went to search for the little brother...they soon found out that the little wolf joined a coyote cult and he would not leave them...

Suddenly, their mother showed up after all that time... she said she came to help rescue him...They begged the coyote leader but she would not release the little wolf... he was their idol. So they had to knock her escape....

The wolf brothers and the fox, now reunited, followed the rogue mother far into the desert to her hideaway...


7 Weeks After The Events in Haven Point

"Hey! Wake up, guys!" Daniel's voice said as I started to come out of dreamland. I just let out a small groan of disapproval as I curled up to something that was soft and warm. "Guys!" Daniel shouted at us and my eyes opened slowly then I see I had curled up to Sean and I give a small smile towards this as he starts to wake up.

"What?" Sean groans as I rub my eyes and we started to sit up. "What time is it?" I asked then I look over to my left to see that the sun was rising over the canyons. "Look! It's so beautiful, check it out!" Daniel exclaims, excitedly, as he stands up and runs to the edge of the cliff we were residing on.

Sean gets up then helps me up to my feet and we go to stand next to Daniel. He looks at us and smiles then chuckles a bit. "So?" He asked and Sean and I let out our own chuckle. "Yeah, okay. Good call." Sean said to his little brother while I just looked out at the beautiful scenery. "'s amazing." I whispered in awe. "I know." Daniel said then I look up at Sean and noticed he had his hand over his eye patch.

"Is your eye okay?" I asked him, worriedly. He looks over at me and nods. "Yeah. It just itches." He said and Daniel looks down in sadness. "Hey, it's okay, enano." Sean said to him as he bends down and places his hand on Daniel's shoulder. "I promise." He assured. Daniel looks down, almost like he's contemplating his answer, then nods. "Yeah...uh...okay." he whispers then he and Sean go to hug each other.

"I love you no matter what happens, you hear me?" Sean said to Daniel after slowly pulling out of his embrace. "Yeah. I love you too." Daniel replied, nodding. Then he comes over to me and he hugs me, I smile and hug him back. "And you know I love you as well, munchkin, right?" I said and he smiles. "I know. I love you too, (y/n)." Daniel said as I pull back from the embrace, smile, then I kiss the top of his head.

He turns to face the scenery in front of us then starts to howl into the sky. I giggled at this then Sean and I started to join him and howl like wolves to the sky. After a few moments, the three of us chuckled and we start to walk back over to our sleeping bags. "Diaz brothers, always!" Daniel said to Sean as we go and sit down.

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