Chapter Sixteen.

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Tuesday morning soon came. Steve was in the office early catching up on stuff he didnt get finished the night before. Ben walked in the door with and unusually happy smile on his face.

"What's the matter with you?" Looking at him suspiciously.

"Nothing. It's just nice out, I'm not going to get wet through. What's not to be happy about?" He said as he dumped his bag under his desk and sat down.

"Morning!" Floated through their door as Charlotte walked past with a big smile on her face. Confusing the man even more because she hated Tuesdays. Tuesdays were meetings back to back to go over the previous weeks reports.

"What the hell is in the coffee this morning?" Shaking his head and carrying on with his paperwork. A slam on a desk startled him.

"Coffee! Great idea mate! Want one?" But Ben was up and out of the door before Steve could even reply.

As Ben came back from the coffee machine holding two cups of the hot steaming beverage, Courtney was sat at the reception desk.

"Morning Ben." Giving him her biggest smile. He smiled in return and bowed his head. "Is one of those for me?" Looking at him expectantly while drawing her bright red bottom lip between her teeth.

"Sorry, didn't think to ask. Next time I go though, yeah." He carried on walking, not noticing her pouting.

"Knock knock." He smiled as Charlotte looked up from her desk. "Good morning. Brought some coffee." Giving her a big goofy grin as he perched on the desk next to her and put it in front of her.

"Whats so good about it?" She gave him a sly smirk.

"Just had a really good nights sleep last night. Much better than the one pervious." Smiling sincerely, causing a little blush to form on her cheeks. He ran the back of his hand down her cheek and slowly moved in to give her a kiss.

"No friction burns from last night then?" Her voice an exaggerated whisper causing his jaw to drop and halting his actions.

"The worst ones yet! In fact..."

"Ben!" Steves voice boomed from their office.

"Ugh! Fuck sake." He groaned.

"All good things, come to those who wait." She laughed.

"I'll tell you all about it later! Made a right mess..." Wiggling his eyebrows at her as he turned to leave her office.

"Please dont!" Causing him to laugh.

When Ben got back to his desk, he sat down and started pulling up what was needed for the meeting.

"Well?" Steve said drawing his attention away for his work. Looking at him confused. "Coffee mate? Where's my coffee? You've been gone ten minutes!"

"Oh shit. Sorry. Didn't hear you say you wanted one." He shrugged and carried on.

"Don't worry your pretty little head yeah. I'll go get my own." Getting up with a huff.

"Your old arse could do with the exercise anyway mate." Ben called out.

"Old arse? You're going to turn forty-two before me cheeky twat!" Emphasizing on twat with a smack to the back of the head. He walked out hearing his lifelong friend laughing, definitely something wrong with him today he thought to himself.

Come nine oclock, Peter, William, Steve, Charlotte, Ben, Courtney and a couple of sales representatives were sat around a large table in Pete and Wills office. Robert and Philippa were going over any product enquiries and complaints they had received. Ben felt a foot start to rub up against the front of his leg. He looked to his right, at Charlotte who was currently eating a doughnut and reading notes, in a world of her own. He looked to his left to see Courtney smiling at him. Feeling uncomfortable he placed his hand under to table and took hold of the hand Charlotte had resting on her knee. She looked up at him and using his eyes he signalled her to look at Courtney. Noticing the smile on the other womans face, she cleared her throat.

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