Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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"I'm sorry sir, we don't have another flight leaving until the middle of next week. We do however have some spaces available in First class, if thats of any use?" The young airport attendant told him.

"Ben really it's fine. I'm sure the others won't mind switching around seats so we don't need to sit close to him." Charlotte tried suggesting.

Running a hand down over his tired face. "Three upgrades please." He informed the attendant.

"Ben, no. Really it's fine." She took his hand. "Don't waste the money. Please."

"Can you hold those? Just give me a minute." She nodded at him as he pulled Charlotte away from the desk. "Charl, I'm tired. I didn't sleep worth a shit and when I did I just kept seeing you..." He screwed his eyes closed and sighed. "I just want to be able to sleep on the flight and not have to have one eye open in case he decides to hit me like he was meant to yesterday. Please let me do this." He begged. Nodding at him and walking back to the desk.

"Three upgrades please." He said as he got his credit card out of his wallet.

"That will be £450 then please Sir."

"What the fu... Maybe a punch in the face while I'm asleep isnt such a bad idea, eh." He laughed making Charlotte her roll her eyes at him.

"Thank you very much sir. The first-class lounge is just through there, down the corridor and on the left." The attendee informed them.

"Thanks love." Taking their new passes, they headed over to Mary, Peter, Ellie, Adam and Will who were stood with Rosie.

"Everything ok Benji?" William asked his son having noticed his blood shot eyes.

"Didn't get much sleep last night thats all." He said while watching Charlotte try to hide the worst of her face with her hair.

"How's your face feeling today darling?" Mary asked as she hugged daughter.

"It'll be ok. Accidents happen mum, don't worry." Giving her a kiss on the cheek as she wrapped an arm around Ben's waist.

Tasha and Steve walked in the main entrance. Steve stopping still just inside the doorway and glaring at Ben, who unwrapped Charlottes arm from around him as Steve started to make his way over towards them but Tasha grabbed hold of his arm and angrily pulled him in the direction of check in.

"Come on sweetie, let's go wait to board. Ben got us some new seats."

"But I wanted to sit by nana and grandad like last time." She let out a whine.

Ben crouched down to her height, took hold of her hands "Tell you what, how about you sit with mum until we can take our seatbelts off and then I'll take you to sit with nana and grandad? That sounds fair, doesnt it?" She nodded as he stood up. She gave her grandparents a kiss before taking hold of Ben's hand and reaching for her mums with her free hand as they walked down to their waiting area.

"Where are they going?" Tasha asked as they got closer to the rest of the family.

"They upgraded." Ellie told her sister in law, causing Steve to frown. "Frown all you want Steve! He didn't sleep a wink, worrying about her! He probably didn't fancy falling asleep on the flight either, in case he woke up to your fist in his face, instead of our sisters!" She said as she walked away from him.

"I'm going to say this just once Steven. You are a wonderful son and brother but how you reacted yesterday was nothing short of shameful! You were brought up better than that. You've known him your whole life, have you ever in all that time, known him to be anything but a gentleman? Having found out just how bad things were for her with Jack, how he defended her before that monster took her away from us and again since they came back. Do you think there is anything he wouldn't do for her? To keep her and Rosie safe? How he was defending her while you were pushing and poking him, asking if he had a secret slapper hidden away!"

"Mum..." He sighed.

"I am so disappointed in your behaviour towards him these past couple of days! And look at how smitten he is with Rosie and how much she loves him too. I have not seen your sister as happy as she has been these past weeks, in years! I tell you now, you best fix things with them both because if your little outburst ruins her happiness, I don't think she will ever forgive you!" And with that she to walked away. Tasha catching up with her to give her a comforting hug.


The flight home wasn't too bad aside from a little turbulence as they were due to land. Ben had gotten a little sleep but was eager to get home and crash. "Are you coming back to mine or going to your mum and dads?" He yawned as the three of them stood waiting for their cases.

"I assumed we'd still be staying with you, until we could go home..."

"Yeah, no thats fine. Just checking." As he grabbed the two cases and started towards the main entrance to get the shuttle to the carpark, wanting to avoid any possible confrontation with his friend. They got to his truck with no problems, Rosie was loaded up, Charlotte climbed in and turned her phone on. Noticing Bens still apparent quiet mood, she went to ask if he was ok when her phone notified her of a text.

Bill; Call me as soon as you land xxx

"I just need to call Billie." She glanced at him and he nodded as he navigated his way out of the car park. "Hey missy."

"Oh, thank god! You finally called!"

"Everything ok? Everyone alright?" Starting to feel a little anxious.

"We're all fine but I've got to tell you something. Can Rosie hear me?"

"No, she can't hear. She's sat in the back with her headphones on. Think shes watching a film." She said as she glanced around at the girl in question

"I've been going in everyday to check the rabbits, like she asked me to."

"Billie, whats going on?"

"They're dead." She whispered.

"What! How?" She turned to Ben who was concentrating on driving but periodically looking at her.

"I'm not sure, they were fine the day before yesterday. Tom came with me yesterday and Charl..." She sighed. "There was blood everywhere! I thought maybe a fox or something! But Tom said the hutch is in perfect condition, so it wouldn't have been a fox."


"That's what he thinks, he's cleaned it all up, he's put them in little boxes and put them in the hutch to keep them away from other animals. Thought she might want to bury them."

"Tell him thank you... Speak later. Yeah, love you too"

"What's happened? Has he done something?" She didn't answer him and turned around and looked at her daughter who was oblivious to what was going on.

"Charl?" She frowned a little at him not calling her Lottie like he usually does when its just them.

"Mr Biggles and Buttons. They're..." sighing she looked in to his eyes. "They've passed, Tom suspects..."

"Jack!" Ben finished her sentence with a venom undertone. "Fucking bastard!" He cussed as he hit the steering wheel. "I'll take you back to mine and I'll go sort it out." He told her as he pulled out of the carpark to head home.

"Tom already did it. How are we going to tell her? What the hell do we tell her happened to them?" Her eyes welling up at the thought of how heartbroken she was going to be.

"We'll just have to tell her they got poorly while we were away or something. She's going to be upset regardless of what she's told but better for her to think they went painlessly. I think she'll understand." He shrugged.

"Ben, are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Keeping his eyes on the road.

"You've just been so quiet and..."

"I'm fine. Just need to get some sleep."

"I can drive, so you can sleep on the way back." She offered, wanting to help him.

"It's fine. I'll be fine." Charlotte just nodded and stared out of the window for the remainder of the drive.

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