Chapter Thirty-Four.

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"Steve I tried your mobile but it went straight to voicemail."

"Charl? It died, its on charge but I havent turned it back on yet. You ok?"

"Somethings wrong. Ben should have been home nearly an hour ago."

"You tried ringing him? He's probably lost track of time."

"He text to say he was heading home and would be ten minutes. Nearly an hour ago!"

Letting out a sigh "Ok, I'll go see if he's fallen in a ditch or something."

"Steven! I'm being serious! I think something is wrong! I'd go myself but he's got my car."

"Would you relax, Im joking! I can pick you both up and take you with me? Would that make you feel better?"

"Yes! Ill get Rosie ready. Please be quick."

Steve pulled the car up by the door and saw Charlottes car still here. "He probably got distracted..." He said but she was already out of the car and heading towards the main door. "Fuck sake..."


"Not now poppet! Stay in the car! Keep the doors locked unless it's me, your mum or Ben. OK."

"Ok." She whispered and pulled her dressing gown around her tight.

"Ben?" She shouted out not seeing any office lights on. "Ben!" Turning towards the mill she noticed a light on. She went to walk in but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Wait here. Something isn't right. Theres a busted door." Steve said frowning at the mill doors.

"I told you..."

"I'm serious Charlie! Stay fucking put! In fact, go back out to the car and stay with Rosie."

Steve made his way in to the mill while Charlotte stood watching the door, listening out for anything suspicious. When she was about to give up and head back to the car she heard a scuffle and Steve swearing. She made her way over to them. Slinking in through the swinging door in hopes of not drawing attention to herself, she snuck around the machinery staying hidden. When Steve came in to view she saw that he was grappling with another person but then a body on the floor caught her eye. When she looked properly she nearly let out a scream. Seeing Ben's bloodied, beaten face broke her heart. Not wanting to give herself away before she helped a struggling Steve. She found a piece of wood, quietly she walked up behind the attacker and hit them with it. Causing them to drop to the floor and Steve stare at her wide eyed. "What did I tell you!" He seethed, wiping blood from his nose.

"I need to get him to the hospital!" She panicked as she ran back over to his unconscious body and dropped to her knees on the hard floor. "Ben, can you hear me?" She whimpered as she tried to find his pulse, sighing in relief when she found it. "Ben? Please, wake up." She took hold of his hand, "Squeeze my hand, do something. Anything! Please!" She begged.

"Police and ambulance are on their way. Im going to see who the twat is, got a fucking good idea who though." But as he turned to go look, they were gone. "Slippery little twat! How the hell did you even meet him?"

"Fuck off Steve! Now isnt the time!" She snapped and then felt a twitch from Ben's hand. "Ben? Can you hear me? Ben, baby?"

"L...Lott..." He gargled and groaned.

"Its ok, I'm here. Don't talk, an ambulance is coming. Everything is going to be ok." She started to cry, trying hard to hold back the tears but she couldnt.

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