Chapter Forty-Six.

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Looking at his watch he saw that it was a couple of minutes before six thirty. Carefully manoeuvring himself from underneath a sleeping Charlotte, he quickly dressed ready for work and made his way out of the bedroom. Closing the door behind him, he tip toed to the door of Rosies room and pushed it open. As he popped his head around the door she sat up in her bed.

"Is it time to get up?" She smiled and jumped up from under the covers.

"Sure is! How long have you been awake?" He asked as she walked past him.

"A little while." She whispered as they snuck back past her mum and headed down the stairs. "I finished my card last night and hid it in my school bag. I need to go get it."

"You grab that then, while I go get everything else together." He told her as he walked towards the kitchen and she stopped in the hallway to get her bag.

Running in to the kitchen after she put her card with their gifts on the coffee table.

"Ready to start Secret Squirrel Agent Rosebud?" Ben asked with a serious tone making her giggle.

"Ready as waiting Secret Squirrel Agent Bear!" She said giving him a salute and making him laugh.


"Mum..." Rosie whispered as she opened the door and made her way over to the bed. "Mum." She whispered again and gently tapped her shoulder.

Charlottes eyes started to flutter open, giving Rosie a sleepy smile. "You ok sweetie? Did you have a bad dream?" She yawned.

"No..." She said shaking her head. "Happy birthday!" She grinned and jumped up on the bed.

"Thank you sweetie pie." She smiled and gave her a hug.

"Happy birthday beautiful." She looked up to see a smiling Ben walk through the door carrying a tray.

"You remembered my favourites?" She whispered as he placed the tray over her lap.

"Course we did!" He leant forward and pressed a kiss to her lips before climbing on the bed next to them.


"Can she have her presents and cards now?" Rosie asked as they finished eating.

"Yeah, go get dressed for school and then you can go down and get them while I take this back to the kitchen and clean it up." She jumped off the bed and ran off out of the room. "Dont run down the stairs!" He shouted as he picked up the tray. Charlottes phone started to ring out. "You get that while you get ready and we'll see you when you come down." He smiled as he gave her another quick kiss.

"Morning mum." She said as she patted Bens bum and smirked.

"Happy birthday my darling!"

"Happy birthday Charlie Bear!" She heard her dad call out to her.

"Thank you!" She smiled as she climbed out of bed and went to find something to wear for work.

"We were thinking we could all go out for dinner tonight. How does that sound? Ive spoken to everyone and they're more than happy to join us, if you want to."

"Id really like that! Just let me know where and what time and we will meet you there."

"Wonderful! We'll get Rosie from school, she can change here and come with us. Also, while you're on the phone. Our present to you, Im giving it to Ben. Its a surprise that will work perfectly with his present for you!"

"Mum, Dad! You didn't need to get me anything! You already do so much for us!" She felt herself getting emotional.

"Don't talk nonsense Charlie!" She heard her Dad chime in.

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