Chapter 7: Harry

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"Mommy?" I heard someone say. I groaned, opening my eyes.

"Ashton? What are you doing up so early?" I asked, helping him get on the bed.

"I'm hungry, mommy." He said, rubbing his growling stomach.

"Okay, baby. Let me get up and then we can go down to the cafeteria. Have you been to the bathroom?"

He nodded, giggling. "Yes, mommy. I went potty like a bwig bwoy."

I laughed. "I'm glad. You're growing up too fast for me."

"I'll be your baby forever mommy."

I smiled, kissing his head. "Thank you, baby. Now how about we go get some food?"

He nodded, jumping out of the bed. I looked under the blankets and saw that I was wearing my hospital gown again. I guess Liam had put me back in it while I was sleeping. I climbed out of the bed, waking Liam up in the process. 

"Mmm? Where are you going, babe?" He asked, sitting up.

"I'm gonna take Ashton to the cafeteria." I said.

"Oh okay. I should probably get some work done, but I'll be back later on." He said, getting out of bed. He kissed mine and Ashton's head. "See you later."

"Daddy no come?" Ashton asked as Liam walked out of the room.

"No, bub. He has to go to work so it's just me and you today."

Ashton giggled and nodded, grabbing my hand. We walked out of the room and walked down the hall towards the cafeteria. We walked in and immediately got in line, looking at the food.

"What would you like Ashton?" I asked, brushing his curly hair back.

"Nuggets and green beans please." He said. I nodded and told the worker, putting his plate on my tray. I got a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich since I wasn't as hungry. I paid for the food before leading Ash to a table. I helped him get on the chair before handing him a chicken nugget. He happily began to eat. I chuckled and cleaned his mouth with a napkin to get all the crumbs. 

"Ah Mr. Styles. I see you're up and walking just fine." I heard someone say. I looked up and saw that it was Dr. Horan. 

"Oh hello, Dr. Horan. Yes, I'm walking just fine. My ribs don't hurt as much as they did before." I said. He nodded, smiling. 

"That's good. I just wanted to let you know that you'll be able to go home today." 

I frowned, but nodded. 

"I also talked to Liam. He said that you're more than welcomed to stay at his flat until you're ready." 

I looked at him, smiling. "Thank you, Dr. Horan."

He smiled. "Please just call me Niall."

I nodded, looking down at Ash when he pulled my hand. 

"Mommy, I want Daddy." He pouted.

"He has to work, baby, but don't worry. We're going to be staying with him for a while." I said. He smiled.

We got up and walked back to the room I was staying in to see Liam standing there with clothes in his hands.

"Hey babe. I brought you some clothes and then I'll take you to my house to relax. We'll pick the rest of your things tomorrow since I'm off of work." He said. I smiled and nodded. I grabbed the clothes from his hands, giving him a kiss on the lips before walking to the bathroom to change. I could hear Ashton giggling, making me smile. It's been a long time since I've heard him giggle.

"Daddy!" Ashton screamed as Liam tickled him. i smiled at the sight.

"I'm ready." I said, not wanting to take away their fun. Liam stood up, picking Ashton up.

"Alright. Let's get going then." He said, grabbing my hand. 

We walked out of the room and went down to the receptionists office. The lady blushed when she saw us, making me remember that she was the one who had caught us in our fun.

"Hey Perrie. Could we get Harry's papers that he needs to sign?" Liam said. She nodded and passed us the papers. I quickly signed it and handed them back to her. 

"I'm sorry you had to witness what you saw yesterday." I said, blushing. She chuckled.

"It's alright. It just took my by surprise." She said. 

"Well, we'll see you later. I'm gonna take them to my flat to get them situated." Liam said, leading me out of the hospital. I waved goodbye to Perrie as we walked out. 

I got in the backseat with Ashton to make sure he was safe since he didn't have his car seat. I looked out the window and watched the buildings pass by before we pulled up into a flat. It looked livelier than the flat we used to live in. 

I got out and picked up Ashton, grabbing Liam's hand. Liam lead us to the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor button. 

"You guys are more than welcome to stay for however long you wish." Liam said as the elevator doors opened. We walked out and walked down the hall towards Liam's flat. He unlocked the door and motioned for us to go in first. 

I looked around the place, loving how it felt like a real home. I started crying, making Liam wrap his arms around me.

"Baby, why are you crying?" He asked, wiping away my tears.

"It feels like a home." I cried. "When we lived with Zayn it didn't feel like a home. It felt more like a prison."

"You won't ever have to go back to that place." He said, leaning down to peck my lips. "You're stuck with me."

I giggled, nodding. I placed my head on his chest as he held Ashton and I.


So guys I have some bad news. I'm going to put this story and my Ziam story "Fight For This Love" on a time chart. Which means that I'll update this story MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY. 


Also I'm thinking about making a one shots book so start messaging me prompts on which bromance you would like me to write about. Thanks guys.

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My Savior (Lirry Stayne/Zarry Stalik Mpreg) © 2014 Katt ✔️Where stories live. Discover now