Chapter 19: Harry/Liam

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Warning: Sad chapter ahead

-Four Months Later-

        Today was the day to go for my check-up on the baby. I'm six months pregnant and I feel like I've gained so much weight. Honestly, I don't really care that I've gained weight because I know that it's because my baby girl's healthy. Yes, I'm having a baby girl. We found out when I went for my four month scan. Let me tell you something. I've always wanted a baby girl because I want to dress her up in little cute outfits. Ashton's not really happy because he wanted the baby to be a boy so that he could play with him, but he knows that he's going to be the best protector.

        "Ash, are you ready to go?" I asked Ashton. He looked up from his coloring book, nodding. He grabbed my hand as we walked out of the house. Liam couldn't come to the ultrasound with us today because there was a really bad accident this morning and the hospital needed the extra hands. Liam wasn't happy about that, but I had told him that I would visit him after the appointment to show him the picture.

        I helped Ashton into the car and buckled him in before I waddled to the drivers seat. Normally, I wouldn't drive when I was pregnant, but I didn't want to rely on Liam for everything. I mean, I know he won't be there all the time since he's a doctor, but I want to be able to do stuff on my own. I slowed down to a stop as the light turned red.

        "Mommy, when see daddy?" Ashton asked. I smiled.

        "We'll see him after the appointment." I said, beginning to drive as the light turned green. What I didn't see was the car coming.

        "Mommy!" was all I heard as the car crashed into my side of the car. I whimpered as the pain got to intense so I just closed my eyes and drifted off into the darkness.

-Liam's POV-

        "Liam!" I heard someone scream as I came out of the operating room. I looked up to see Perrie running up to me.

        "Perrie, what's wrong?" I asked.

        "H-Harry and A-Ash..." She panted, making my eyes widen.

        "What? What happened to them?" I asked, grabbing her shoulders.

        "Car crash." was all she said as she pointed down the hall to show Harry and Ashton being brought in on gurneys. Ashton was crying as he held onto his left arm while Harry just laid, unconscious. What scared me the most was that Harry was covered in blood. I quickly ran up to the gurneys. 

        "Doctor, we need to get them to emergency. We have to get the baby out now or else they won't survive." The paramedic said. I nodded, shakily. I had to watch them go since I wasn't a surgeon. Please let my family be okay. I thought.

        "They'll be okay, Liam." Perrie said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I shook my head, sobbing.

        "I can't lose them, Pear. What if the baby doesn't make it? That's my first baby. I can't lose her." I cried.

        "You won't lose her, Liam. Now come on let's go sit down in the waiting room while we wait."





My Savior (Lirry Stayne/Zarry Stalik Mpreg) © 2014 Katt ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα