Chapter 14: Harry

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"Ashton love, are you ready to go to Nana's?" I asked, grabbing Ash's backpack that was filled with clothes and toys.

"No wanna go, mommy. Stay wiff mommy and daddy." He pouted, making my heart break. I picked him up, kissing his head.

"I'm sorry, baby. It's only for tonight and then tomorrow we'll pick you up since we're going on a little trip to visit daddy's parents." I said. He huffed.

"Otay." He pouted. I chuckled.

"Babe, you're not supposed to be lifting anything up." I heard Liam say. I rolled my eyes, giggling.

"It's fine, Li-Li. He's not that heavy." I said. Liam wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my head. He placed his hand on my stomach.

"You're growing each day, love." He whispered. I smiled.

"I know. Baby Bean is gonna be big."

"Mhm. Are you ready to go?"

I nodded, carrying Ashton to the car. I buckled him in before getting in the front seat. Liam started the car and began driving down the street to my mom's house. I smiled when Liam grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb on the back.

"I love you, Liam." I said, watching as he smiled.

"I love you, Harry." He whispered. He looked in the mirror. "I love you too, Ashton."

"Luff daddy." He squealed, making us laugh.

After a few more minutes of driving we pulled up into my mom's driveway. I got out of the car and went to the back to grab Ashton, but Liam stopped me.

"I got it, babe. You go inside where it's warm." He said, making me pout. He pecked my lips, making me giggle.

I walked to the front door and knocked, waiting for my mom to open the door. I pulled my jacket closer to my body to keep me warm. It was getting closer to Christmas so the weather was getting colder and colder each day.

"Harry!" My mom said, opening the door. She let us walk in before she gave us hugs. "How are you guys?"

"We're good, Anne. Thank you for watching Ash tonight." Liam said. My mom smiled.

"No problem. i can understand that you two need your privacy." She said, winking. I blushed.

"Mom..." I whined. She laughed.

"Sorry, love."

"Oh! Before we leave we have something for you." I said before we left. I pulled the ultrasound out of my back pocket, handing it to her. She looked at it before her eyes widened.

"You're pregnant, Harry?"

I nodded, placing my hand on my bump.

"I'm two months."

She gasped. "When did you find out?"

"Yesterday. I didn't realize it until I got sick in the morning."

She nodded before hugging me. "I'm so happy for you, baby."

I giggled. "Thanks, mom."

She pulled away from me before hugging Liam.

"If you hurt my baby then I won't hesitate to cut off your baby maker." She threatened, making me giggle. Liam gulped, nodding.

"Y-Yes ma'am."

My mom pulled away, laughing. "You two best be on your way. I don't want you out driving so late."

"Okay." I said, kissing her cheek before I picked up ashton much to Liam and mom's disapproval. "Bye baby. We'll see you bright and early."

"Otay." He said, pouting. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Mommy loves you."

"Luff you too, mommy."

I gave him to Liam and watched as Liam hugged him, making me smile. My life couldn't get any better.

My Savior (Lirry Stayne/Zarry Stalik Mpreg) © 2014 Katt ✔️Where stories live. Discover now