Chapter 8: Ashton *Surprise* (Suckish Chapter)

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So first of all this is Ashton's chapter :) He will speak like he's been in the past, but he'll think like an adult would except the sexual stuff hehe ;P


"Liam, can I invite my mum and friends over?" I heard mommy asked daddy. "I haven't seen them since I got married to Zayn."

I frowned when I heard the name of the evil man that used to hurt my mommy.

"Sure, babe. I don't mind, but I got to get back to work." Daddy said, kissing my mommy on the mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep my giggles in. "Why don't you ask them to stay for dinner and I'll make dinner when I get home?"

Mommy nodded, smiling. I looked between the both of them as they just started at each other. 

"Mommy, I thirsty." I said, breaking them apart. Daddy looked at me, smiling.

"What would you like, baby?" He asked.

"Apple jwuice." I said, giggling. He laughed and nodded, walking out of the room.

"Hey Ashton?" Mommy said, making me look at him.

"Wes Mommy?" I asked, sucking my thumb.

"Would you like to see nana again?" 

My eyes widened. "Yes mommy. Miss nana."

He smiled. "Why don't you go to the kitchen with daddy and I'll call nana now."

I nodded and ran to the kitchen, crashing into daddy's legs.

"Woah, baby. Be careful." He said, placing his hand on my back. I giggled, laying my head on his leg.

"Luff you, Daddy." I said. He picked me up and kissed my head.

"I love you too, baby. I'll see you when I get back home from work, okay?"

I pouted, but nodded. He chuckled and carried me back to mommy. 

"Here's a sippy cup for Ash, babe." Daddy said, giving him a cup. "I've got to get back to work before I get fired."

Mommy giggled. "Okay, love. We'll be here."

I watched as daddy walked out of the house, making me sad.

"Mommy, when daddy get home?"

Mommy smiled. "Daddy will be back in a couple of hours, baby."

I whined, but nodded.


Sorry this is short and crappy. Don't be a silent reader. Please Comment, Rate, and Fan

My Savior (Lirry Stayne/Zarry Stalik Mpreg) © 2014 Katt ✔️Where stories live. Discover now