A Study in Pink: Chapter 12

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"Call Lestrade, now!" You commanded John as you haled for a taxi. The both of you quickly jumped in, and you didn't hesitate to yell at the cabbie to drive. John held his phone to his ear, a very frantic look etched onto his face. If Lestrade had just listened to you!

"No, Detective Inspector Lestrade. I need to speak to him, it's important, it's an emergency!" John yelled into the phone. You looked down at the tablet, then yelled to the driver.

"Left here, turn left!" After many more directions and turns, the taxi pulled into the car park of some university buildings. You hurried out of the taxi rushing to take a look at the buildings. There were two possible buildings Sherlock and the killer could've entered. You shoved the tablet into your coat pocket, as you looked at them briefly. You needed to hurry and figure out which one it was.

"Hurry, Y/N!" John grabbed your sleeve, choosing the building on the right.

"Wait, John! I need to analyse the-"

"There's no time!" John yelled, pulling you into the building. The two of you raced down hallways looking frantically for Sherlock. You hoped John had picked the right building. Even if you didn't have emotions, you at least had the decency to know this was a dire situation. Plus, you knew Sherlock would probably be fine... but on the other hand he was too curious. If he was offered the pill, he would take it. He was like you, he would do anything to know if he was right.

"Sherlock!" You both yelled, kicking in doors and looking in every possible location he could be. John ran into a room and was suddenly yelling your name, you raced in.

You saw Sherlock standing with his back to you, in a completely different building, a pill in between his fingers, another man standing close in front of him. The murderer. The taxi driver.

"Sherlock!" John yelled on the top of his lungs, as if Sherlock would hear him and put the pill down. So this was how the killer did it, he tempted the others with the pill, a game possibly? A 50-50 chance.

John reached for his gun, but he felt it was missing. Then he looked back up at you to see it held tightly in your hands, pointing it at the man beyond the glass. You swiped it from him midway through the search for Sherlock, without him noticing.

You watched as Sherlock held the pill in between his fingers, holding it up to the light. He was going to take it. You knew he was. Part of you wanted to pull the trigger and end it there, but another part of you was overly curious. You wanted to see if Sherlock had chosen right, if he had picked the right pill. You had to know. Sherlock started raising the pill to his mouth. John stared at you in horror as he watched Sherlock.

"Y/n! Shoot! NOW." You were frozen with curiosity, you trusted Sherlock's skills. Suddenly, John was prying the gun from your hands and pushing you aside and he pried open the window. A loud shot rang through the air, then John was quickly pulling you away and you were running again, away from the window. Away from the now, crime scene.  John had killed the cabbie.


The police were just arriving at the scene when you made it out of the building, and they hurried into the building Sherlock was in. They must've heard the gun go off. Luckily, none of them had seen you or John. You blended in with the commotion, becoming unnoticed.

Soon, you saw Sherlock being led out by paramedics to an ambulance. You started towards him, wanting to go talk to him, but John held you back, telling you to wait. So, instead you stood back explaining to John everything you knew. The two pills, the taxi driver, all of it.

You glanced over to see a parametic had rapped an orange blanket around Sherlock's shoulders and he looked at it, confused. Lestrade soon walked up to him talking to him about something. As he did, Sherlock made eye contact with you and John and he suddenly stopped talking, standing up. Lestrade seemed to try and stop him but Sherlock shook his head at him, gesturing towards his blanket and you could clearly hear him say, "What now? I'm in shock. Look, I've got a blanket." After a few more words with Lestrade, he walked over to the two of you.

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