The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 5

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"Alright, so you can pretend to be a couple for a lie, but you won't even admit it to me?" John leaned in between you and Sherlock in the car and you looked out the window, no interest in John's question. You were annoyed he actually had a valid argument, but he'd never know that.

"We're not a couple, John." Sherlock reminded him, keeping his eyes glued to the road. John let out a chuckle as he shook his head at Sherlock.

"Oh, come on! That is such a lie!"

"It's not a lie, John." You groaned. You propped your feet up on the dash of the Jeep, careful not to cause any scuff marks while doing so.

"It is a lie." John budged farther. It was sort of scary how much he wanted you and Sherlock to be a couple. It's all he seemed to talk about now if you and Sherlock had any interaction with each other. You couldn't even make eye contact with Sherlock without John mentioning something about it.

"What proof do you have?" You asked, looking up at him through the rear view mirror.

"The sexual tension I could use a knife to cut every time you're even near each other." You shuffled uncomfortably in your seat as John went on. "Not to mention changing the subject when I mention it and always being all over each other." You leaned further into the window as John talked. You were surprised John had been paying that much attention, even you hadn't realized the things he was saying.

"If we were dating, you'd know." Sherlock told John. You nodded, hoping John would finally drop the subject and let the two of you live your lives. "Besides, I feel like you still don't get the fact we both don't believe in relationships." John snorted at that. You crossed your arms protectively over your chest, turning even further away from him.

"Okay, I know I'm right, but you can just keep denying it!" John almost sang as he leaned back into his seat, a smug smile on his face. You gazed out the window, not saying another word the rest of the drive to Baskerville.

When you arrived, you noticed many armed guards walking the perimeter of the base. Sherlock drove straight up to a gate, not seeming nervous at all. He clearly had a plan. You were sure it involved something with Mycroft, knowing Sherlock he hadn't asked his brother's permission for whatever he was about to do.

A military guard approached the Jeep, holding up a hand to tell Sherlock to make a full stop. He did and rolled the window down as the man approached, a rifle held tight in his hands.

"Pass, please." He ordered. He had calculating eyes that watched Sherlock's every move as he reached towards his pocket. He revealed a pass and handed it over to the guard without a word. "Thank you." The man walked around the vehicle and took the pass away somewhere. You looked to your right, and saw a guard holding the leash of a trained military dog. The dog seemed to be sniffing the air, if it smelled anything, it didn't deem it dangerous.

"So, you stole Mycroft's pass?" You whispered quietly, not looking over at Sherlock as you observed the guards.

"Access all areas. I um..." Sherlock heavily cleared his throat, "acquired it ages ago, just in case." You nodded, watching the guard that took Sherlock's pass swipe it in in a small room by the large gate.

"Brilliant!" John said rather sarcastically from the back. You glanced in the rear view mirror to see slight fear(?) possibly in his eyes. Or anger... you were never sure.

"What's the matter?" Sherlock asked, glancing up at the mirror as well.

"We'll get caught." John whispered, his eyes rapidly taking in the scenery around him.

"No we won't." Sherlock told him.

"Not yet." You added, telling Sherlock was holding it back to try and keep John a bit calm. It wouldn't have worked.

"Caught in five minutes. 'Oh, hi, we just thought we'd come and have a wander round your top secret weapons base.' 'Really? Great! Come in – kettle's just boiled.' That's if we don't get shot." John ranted, an angry look centered at Sherlock.

"John, we'll be fine." You assured him, becoming quiet as the gate in front of you began to open and the guard approached the vehicle again.

"Clear." The guard with the dog announced. The other guard nodded, handing Sherlock the pass back.

"Thank you very much, sir." The guard told him.

"Thank you." Sherlock nodded back at him, putting the car in drive.

"Straight through, sir." The guard told him, backing away from the Jeep to continue his normal duties.

"Mycroft's name literally opens doors!" John said in awe as you passed through the gate, you nodded knowing Mycroft's position very well.

"I told you- he practically is the British government." Sherlock reiterated, slowly driving along.

"So, what do you think? We have maybe ten minutes before we get caught?" You glanced at Sherlock, wondering what he thought.

"I'd say twenty before they realize something's wrong." You nodded, leaning back into the seat as you approached Baskerville.

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