The Final Problem: Chapter 7

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What seemed to be hours later, you finally felt like you'd released all your emotions and not to mention tears. You apologized to John for pretty much soaking his shirt and he laughed it off, which brought a smile to your face. John always seemed to know how to make you smile.

John gave Sherlock a long look and you knew what he must be thinking. He was troubled after Sherlock's outpour of anger, which was reasonable. You held up a hand towards John briefly as you walked over to where Sherlock sat on the floor, piles of splintered wood scattered around him. He'd smashed that coffin into probably well near thousands of pieces. You passed Mycroft, who was watching his brother with a worried look as well, but you knew Sherlock would be okay. He always was. He just needed a little time to sort things out in his head – to make sense of them before he could cope with it.

You slowly knelt next to where he sat, face dropped towards the floor. "Hey." You whispered, placing a soft hand on his knee. His hands were relaxed on the inside of either knee, and when he felt your hand softly grazing his leg he turned his hand the slightest bit outwards. You took that as a sign to take his hand tightly in yours.

Slowly, after a long silence, Sherlock dropped your hand to turn and look up at you. His face held many different things you couldn't quite read, but you knew that the great Sherlock Holmes had in fact experienced one of his worst emotional surges, ever. "I... I'm sorry about..." You shushed Sherlock, not letting him apologize for something that wasn't his fault.

"It wasn't your fault, it'll be fine." You assured him with a sideways smile. He nodded glumly, not seeming entirely sure. He took your hand back in his, running his thumb across it as he gazed down at the floor. You sat in silence for another moment, letting him think. You turned back towards John for support. John was usually better with this stuff than you were, but you were still learning.

As soon as John saw the look in your eyes he began to walk forward, not forgetting to pick up the pistol Sherlock had thrown aside. He stopped a few steps in front of you, his eyes scanning the wall above you and Sherlock.

"Look, I know this is difficult and I know you're being tortured, but you have got to keep it together." John told Sherlock, his voice soft, yet firm at the same time. You'd already gotten over yourself but John amazed you how sure his words sounded. He seemed undoubtedly confident in what he was saying. At that Sherlock didn't even lift his head, but continued to rub his thumb across your hand.

"This isn't torture; this is vivisection. We're experiencing science from the perspective of lab rats." He breathed, leaning his head back on the wall.

"Hey, don't think about that. Think about something else, like... this." You pulled Sherlock's arm closer to you, pressing his hand sturdily against your stomach. Usually, you never really did things like that, because it sort of freaked Sherlock out, but now he held a grin on his face as he felt the baby kicking around. You both had to keep moving, for the baby.

It seemed to give him a boost of new found energy as he glanced over the three of you, his face relaxed. "Soldiers?" He questioned, eyes cast in John's direction.

"Soldiers." John agreed. He held a hand out, pulling Sherlock to his feet, easily.

"Sherlock, I'll need some help up as well." You admitted in a small voice. Sherlock smiled, looking where you were kneeled. Your baby bump prevented you from extending your leg far enough to get the momentum to push yourself to your feet. "Don't laugh!" You whined as Sherlock couldn't help but chuckle. You all ended up laughing it off, just trying to let out some stress from the day.

You grinned from ear to ear as Sherlock couldn't stop laughing while he placed his hands around your waist, hoisting you up. He pulled you close in a half hug, which helped calm your nerves even more. You even saw the smallest smile on Mycroft's face. You felt a lot better as you looked around at your three boys, who were always there for you. Well, Mycroft was iffy but he was family now so you kinda had to love him by default.

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