The Reichenbach Fall: Chapter 3

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The next morning, you had dressed up a bit nicer than usual since you'd definitely appear in the press all about Moriarty's trial. You were buttoning up Sherlock's jacket in silence, trying not to think about being in the same room as Moriarty in the next few hours. Once you finished with the last button, you smoothed it out, looking up at him with a forced smile.

"You okay?" He asked softly, noticing how nervous you were. He reached up a hand to softy cup your cheek. You nodded, leaning into his hand as you reached up to take it in your own. You smoothed your thumb over it a moment, before once again looking up at Sherlock. You took a breath before you nodded at him, signaling you were ready. You both turned to John. You all looked at each other grimly before heading down the stairs. Sherlock stopped at the door, turning to the side. You both took a deep breath, preparing yourselves.

"Ready?" John asked as he studied the two of you.

"Yes." Sherlock nodded and John placed his hand on the door knob.

"Here we go." You breathed, squeezing Sherlock's hand for comfort. John pulled the door open and you were all immediately met with tons of flashing cameras and screaming voices. All of them calling for Sherlock's attention on Moriarty's trial. You ducked your head down as you walked where a cop was withholding the crowd so you could make it to the escort in order to get to the court. When you finally got in the car and it drove away from the crowd you took a breath of relief. Then you remembered the worst was still yet to come.

You all sat in an eerie silence on the way to the court, your nerves clearly being worked up the closer you got. You held Sherlock's hand tightly in yours as you watched out the window, your mind blank.

"Remember-" John started to say.

"Yes." Sherlock interrupted, gazing out the window.

"Reme-" John tried again but was cut off quicker this time.

"Yes." Sherlock repeated. You sighed, stressed beyond belief at this situation and Sherlock appearing in court in front of all these people and not to mention the press.

"Remember what they told you. Don't try to be clever-" John went on despite Sherlock's injections.

"No." Sherlock stated. John sighed, but continued.

"... and please just keep it simple and brief." He finished, looking past you at Sherlock.

"God forbid the star witness at the trial should come across as intelligent." Sherlock leaned further into the car's door and you gripped tighter onto his hand.

"Sherlock, you're allowed to be intelligent! John's just trying to say..." You thought of how to put it in a nicer way but John spoke on what he thought Sherlock should do.

"Don't be a smart-arse." He instructed, looking seriously at Sherlock. You turned to look at John, he wasn't helping the entire situation. Sherlock would be fine and the only thing John seemed to be doing was stressing him out more.

"I'll just be myself." Sherlock concluded.

"Are you listening to me?!" John groaned in exasperation as he turned towards his window.

"Hey, you'll be fine. Just answer their questions." You tried to help, wrapping your arm through Sherlock's, leaning your head on his shoulder. He relaxed in your grip, but obviously had too much on his mind as he peered out of the window the rest of the way there.

Once you arrived, you stood with Sherlock in a private area in the courthouse, your hands in his before you had to part ways. You looked down at your feet awhile, just thinking about everything to come. You finally took a deep breath, looking up into Sherlock's eyes. You both searched each other's eyes, breathing together.

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