The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 9

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Henry immediately took you all to moor, leading you towards Dewer's Hollow. The sun was now setting and the sky was filled with different shades of orange and pink. It was quickly turning into a darker purpley blue, so you had all brought your tortches to navigate when it got too dark to see.

You all followed Henry, stepping over and around large rocks and branches that scattered the ground. He was leading you towards a patch of trees down below you. By the time you made it to the small forest, it was pitch black out. The only sounds were your crunching footsteps as your feet pattered on the forest floor and the nightly sounds of animals around you. You kept close behind Sherlock, panning your torch over everything, making sure you wouldn't miss even the smallest detail.

The night was crisp and cold, causing your breath to sail through the night air. You tightened your jacket around your body as you trudged ahead behind Sherlock. You heard a bush rustle and you quickly shot your torch towards it, investigating. You saw nothing. A bit spooked you jogged to catch up to Sherlock, standing beside him now. He smirked at you and you stuck your tongue out at him.

"I'm not scared." You told him seriously, puffing out your chest. Sherlock raised his eyebrows at that, acting impressed.

"I never said you were." He grinned, looking back ahead at Henry as you walked. Suddenly, you heard a twig snap nearby and you dropped your torch. It bounced off the ground a few times before burning out and rolling behind a tree. Sherlock erupted in laughter and you shoved his shoulder, hurrying to find your light. Once you found it, you hit it a couple times. It flashed, but finally turned on. You sighed in relief heading back to the trail to Sherlock. When you made it back, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Sherlock?" You whispered loudly, turning in circles to try to find him with your light. No sign of him. "S-Sherlock?" You again tried, looking around. No response. You pushed away your irrational thoughts as you went in the direction you'd been traveling before, hopefully you'd bump into Sherlock. You walked the path slowly watching for any signs that may lead you in the direction Henry had taken Sherlock.

"What a bloody jerk." You whispered to yourself, slightly irritated he'd left you behind. "Laugh at Y/n because she jumped at a noise, whatever..." Your self ranting came to a stop when you heard a howl break through the silence of the night. You stopped to make sure that whatever it was, was nowhere near you. You didn't see anything. You silently continued on your way, this time your pace a bit quicker than before. You noticed as you walked, fog had begun to move in around you. It slithered across the moor's mossy floor, which made it harder to see the moor's grassy terrain beneath your feet.

Soon, you heard footsteps behind you and another howl, this time closer. You picked up your pace to a run as you continued down the same path. "Sherlock!" You yelled out of breath as you sprinted up the trail. Ahead, you saw the trees opened up a bit, that had to be Dewer's Hollow. You ran, taking the small chance of looking over your shoulder. You didn't see anything. You clearly realized that had been a mistake as you went sailing head over heels down a steep incline.

You screamed all the way down, hitting roots, rocks, and anything else that stood in your way. You tried to stop your fall by reaching out to stop yourself, but it only made your injuries worse. When you finally came to a stop at the bottom, you groaned in pain, your entire body burning all over. You didn't know that the Hollow was down such a deep incline or you would've been more careful. You wearily sat up in a daze to see Sherlock standing a few feet away. His eyes were wide and focused on where you had stood moments before at the top of the small cliff you'd fallen down. You followed his gaze, but didn't see anything. Not anymore.

"My god, are you okay, Y/n?" John asked, breathing heavily as he kneeled next to you. You rubbed your head, trying to see him more clearly. You paused a moment, making sure you hadn't broken anything. You didn't think you did, but you were sure scraped up pretty bad. You were a bit shook up, was all. You groaned a response seeing Sherlock shoving past Henry to make his way up the incline. John helped you up and with his aid you both hurried after Sherlock.

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