The Six Thatchers: Chapter 4

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The next day, Lestrade showed up at the house as promised, excited to get started. He always was excited when he found these hard cases for you and Sherlock. He loved watching you work and swiftly find out the answer to cases that always seemed to baffle the rest of the police back at the station. Right now was definitely one of those times. "Hey. You two are really gonna like this one." He grinned. He carried a briefcase with him as he quickly entered the flat and sat the case beside the kitchen table.

"So Sherlock has said." You leaned on the side of Sherlock's chair where he was sitting, ready to hear this big case Lestrade had brought. You hoped this one was as promising as a majority of his other cases. You were confident, he usually never let the two of you down when it came to exciting cases. Although, now that you thought about it, most of them were solvable rather quickly.

"Just waiting on John." Sherlock nodded, pressing his fingers together and holding his hands up towards his face. You glanced at your watch, John should be here any minute. Of course he was late because he was tending to his daughter, you were sure. Parent life was slowing him down. You guessed that was a good thing on his part. Just in time, you heard the door to 221B opening below and John's steps hurrying up the stairs.

He entered 221B, studying the three of you. "Afternoon. He says you've got a good one, Greg." John looked to Lestrade who nodded in excitement.

"Oh yeah." Immediately, without any hesitation he got into explaining the case. "It was David Welsborough's fiftieth birthday..." Lestrade started to tell you about the night this case happened. Like he said, it was David's 50th birthday and he received a Skype call from his son, Charlie, who was abroad in Tibet. David said at first he'd seen an image of Charlie where he stood on a mountain range, but the signal was bad on his side and froze, so they continued talking on the phone. They were making light conversation and David recalled Charlie feeling a bit sick from the altitude... but nothing about their conversation stood out much other than that.

Charlie asked his father to go out to his car to take a picture of a power ranger he had stuck to the bonnet of the car, to settle a bet. David did just that, but the signal died out during the call and David hadn't heard from Charlie since.

"A week later... something really weird happens." Lestrade went on to tell with a small grin. "Drunk driver- he's totally smashed, the cops are chasing him and he turns into the drive of the Welsborough house to try and get away. Unfortunately... he crashed into a car parked in the drive and there was an explosion. The drunk guy survived; they managed to pull him out, but when they put the fire out and examined the parked car, they found human remains."

"Whose body?" John leaned forward in question. He was clearly interested. You glanced at Sherlock, you already knew whose body was in the car. You could tell Sherlock knew too. It wasn't that hard to figure that out.

"Charlie Welsborough, the son." Lestrade grinned.

"What?" John shook his head, that wasn't supposed to be possible. He was in Tibet.

Lestrade nodded at John's confusion, seeming more excited about the case. "The son who was in Tibet. DNA all checks out. The night of the party, the car's empty, then a week later the dead boy's found at the wheel." Sherlock chuckled in delight at this and you nodded in thought, it was a rather good case. "Yeah, I thought it'd tickle you two."

"Have you got a lab report?" You asked in curiosity. Some lab reports might help you get a better idea of what happened. Lestrade nodded, reaching down for his briefcase and sitting it across his lap as he dug through it to find the file.

"Yeah, Charlie Welsborough's the son of a Cabinet minister, so I'm under a lot of pressure to get results." Lestrade told the three of you as he continued to look for the lab reports.

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