The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 7

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"This is bloody outrageous. Why wasn't I told?" You were met with none other than you assumed to be Major Barrymore waiting for you outside the lift's doors. He looked majorly ticked off, holding his stance in front of all of you. You could definitely read that he was angry, his stance combined with his face... that was certainly anger, and a lot of it.

"Major Barrymore, is it?" John stepped from the elevator, and you and Sherlock skirted behind him. "Yes, well, good. Very good. We're very impressed, aren't we, Mr. Holmes?" John held out his hand to shake the Major's but he ignored it. John quickly dropped his hand, turning to Sherlock as his phone went off for a second time.

"Yes, deeply, hugely." Sherlock said, not being very convincing. He dug his phone from his pocket, gazing down at it as he continued to walk down the hall. Everyone followed behind Sherlock as he quickly strode towards the exit in hopes to make it there before someone realized you were imposters.

"The whole point of Baskerville was to eliminate this kind of bureaucratic nonsense..." The major began ranting as Sherlock dully interrupted him. Major Barrymore definitely had a dominant personality, he wasn't going to shut up about his opinion.

"I'm so sorry, Major." Sherlock spoke, but definitely didn't mean what he was saying. He just wanted to get all of you out of there. You kept walking, feeling the Major right at your heels. You could practically feel the anger fuming off of him. Even with your sometimes confused emotions, anyone could clearly tell he was pissed.

"Inspections?!" He yelled, wanting an explanation. Sherlock quickly made an answer for this.

"New policy. Can't remain unmonitored forever. Goodness knows what you'd get up to." Sherlock quickly turned over his shoulder to whisper to you and John. "Keep walking." Just as he said so, alarms began blaring and red flashing lights filled the hall.

"Sir! ID unauthorized, sir. I've just had the call." Corporal Lyons said as he released his hand off of the button that undoubtedly set off the alarms and locked your only way out. This put a quick stop to your attempted escape out the door as you all bunched up in a small circle. You shot a panicked look to Sherlock, how were you going to get out of this one? The plan was to make it out before something like this happened.

"Is that right? Who are you?" The major looked at you with intense eyes, ready to kill. You looked to John, knowing he might have some idea to save you from this. Surely he'd had this happen to him when he was cooped up in a military base.

"Look, there's obviously been some kind of mistake." John quickly said, not able to hide his rising panic. Great, like they'd believe that one. You should at least try something.

"There's a simple explanation to this, really." You tried to reason, stepping forward. A cover story was already being prepared on the tip of your tongue but the major paid no attention to you as he reached his hand out towards Sherlock. Sherlock handed over his pass and the major grabbed it, looking it over.

"Clearly not Mycroft Holmes." The major stated, glaring at Sherlock in some sort of stare down. You sidestepped, uncomfortably thinking of another way out of this.

"Computer error, major. It'll all have to go down in the report." John again spoke as he began writing something down in his notebook.

"What the hell's going on!?!" Major Barrymore demanded, looking around at the three of you. With all of your comments, you were surely confusing him majorly. You gulped, already knowing you'd never hear the end of this from Mycroft when he had to come bail all three out of the mess you'd just put yourselves in.

"It's alright, Major. I know exactly who these people are." Dr. Frankland seemed to appear out of nowhere as he stepped past the major's shoulder to look over the three of you. What was he up to?

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