The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 13

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Sherlock marched the three of you back to Dr. Stapleton's lab, where she still was, conducting an experiment on a small white rabbit. When she heard people approaching, she stood taller to see who was entering the lab. When she saw you three, she sat her pipette aside, giving you her attention.

"Oh. Back again? What's on your mind this time?" She asked in a way that you couldn't detect if she wasn't happy to see you again or not. In your mind, it probably laid more on the not happy to see you side, many people didn't like your presence when it meant they were being read at all times.

"Murder, Doctor Stapleton. Refined, cold-blooded murder." Sherlock told her sternly. Knowing what Sherlock was going for, you reached to your right to flip off the small lab's light switch. As expected, the white rabbit sat on her table let out a luminous glow. You flicked the lights back on when you felt the point was proven.

"Will you tell little Kirsty what happened to Bluebell or shall I?" He asked as he gave her an unpleasant smile, narrowing his eyes at her. Dr. Stapleton stared at the three of you, finally giving in on the truth.

"Okay. What do you want?" She shrugged, looking down at the poor rabbit.

"Can I borrow your microscope?" Sherlock got straight to his point, looking at her.

Dr. Stapleton took you all to a larger lab after she put away the rabbit in its cage. Sherlock immediately began his assessment on the sugar, using his chemistry knowledge. You sat behind him, watching as he worked.

"Can you-?"

"Yup." You replied to Sherlock before he finished his sentence, leaning over to crush the sugar cube into smaller pieces for him to analyze under the scope. You passed it over to him where he transferred it under the microscope. He sighed, shaking his head as he looked at the substance, he reached his hand out and you passed him over a red pen. He quickly scribbled something down, tossing the pen back to you. You caught it, leaning over to have a look under the microscope as well.

"It looks..."

"Normal, I know." Sherlock said with an exasperated sigh. He pushed his fingers to his lips in prayer position, staring into space as he thought. You listened to John and Stapleton talk while Sherlock was stuck in thought. They were talking about cloning, or something like that. You really didn't care at the moment. You just wanted to figure out what this drug was, which was proving to be rather hard. Of course, the thought already crossed your mind that it wasn't the sugar. Sherlock had years of training in chemistry, if there was a drug in the sugar, he would've found it by now, but he wouldn't give up without being absolutely sure.

"Y/n, I need-"

"Sure." You passed over his beaker full of a clear substance. He looked at you for a while, just holding the beaker loosely in his hand. "Tick tock." You hummed, grabbing the pipette and squeezing the liquid out onto a microscope slide for Sherlock as he gazed at you. You nodded towards the microscope for Sherlock to take a look. He gave you the faintest of smiles before scanning the substance. He came up looking much more frustrated than before. He scanned a computer screen to his right, shaking his head. Once more, he switched out the slides taking one last look.

"It's not there!" He stood, fury pumping through his veins as he chucked the slide full force towards a wall. It shattered, and John and Dr. Stapleton both jumped.

"Jesus!" John spoke, glaring at Sherlock. You propped your head onto your hand, already thinking of other routes the poison could've gotten into your system.

"Nothing there! Doesn't make any sense." Sherlock shook his head, already getting worked up. He paced small circles behind you.

"What were you expecting to find?" Dr. Stapleton asked, not too shocked by Sherlock's outrage.

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