The Reichenbach Fall: Chapter 2

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"No, Sherlock. No." You turned away from Sherlock as you gathered up your coat and case files, ready to head back down to your flat. You didn't want to discuss this with Sherlock. You took the stairs two at a time and Sherlock quickly followed you down into your flat.

"Y/n, please. I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important." You dropped your coat and files onto your couch, turning to look at Sherlock. You studied him, your harsh expression not fading. Sherlock had just said please. This was important to him.

"I don't want anything to do with him, Sherlock. He's going to screw with us, he takes pleasure in it. I can't give him that." You shook your head at him, refusing to go to the crime scene with Sherlock.

"We're the only ones that can stop him." He looked at you and you dropped your gaze, frowning. "You know that and you're being selfish." You looked up at him with a hurt look as he stared intensely at you. "I need your help." He asked one last time, his voice low as he looked at you. Your features softened as you looked up at him. You hated that he was right.

"Fine. But I swear, Sherlock if he tries anything-"

"Remember my promise? I'm not breaking that." He told you, reaching out to hold your hands in his. You sighed, looking down at his hands as you leaned forward towards him. You were being selfish, Sherlock was right. But you were scared of Moriarty, what he was capable of. You didn't want this investigation to go south, but you sensed it would and fast. "Now let's go, Lestrade is waiting." Sherlock placed a hand on the small of your back as he led you out of the flat. John was waiting for the two of you in a cab outside.

On arrival to the Tower of London, you followed Sherlock and Lestrade to look over the security footage. The only evidence that it seems anyone had, but it was the best form of evidence you had. Watching the tapes, they showed Moriarty sitting in a throne, the crown jewels covering him. He just sat there, smirking until police came barging in and arrested him. He was confident and calm. Lestrade rewinded the footage to back track from the beginning of Moriarty being alone in the room that was on lock down. He wrote something on the glass, that was unclear from the camera angle. You noted earbuds tucked into his ears as he literally danced around the room. He was making it his personal show. He stretched a piece of gum from his mouth then stuck it in the middle of the glass. You watched as he dug something from his pocket, carefully sticking it to the gum. He danced across the room his arms in the air as he plucked up a fire extinguisher. He sidestepped back and forth across the room as he held the extinguisher under his arm then finally rammed it into the glass. It shattered on impact and he hit it a couple more times to get the full glass panel to fall out so he could step inside the case.

"That glass is tougher than anything." Lestrade shook his head wondering how Moriarty had shattered the glass with only a fire extinguisher. Of course it wasn't just a fire extinguisher he had used. He wouldn't have broken it with the extinguisher alone.

"Not anything." You commented, pressing a key to rewind the footage again from another angle. Maybe this time you could see what he had written across the glass.

"Crystallized carbon, he used a diamond." Sherlock informed him, squinting at the screen. From the camera angle behind the glass, it was clear to see what Moriarty had written on the glass. 'Get Sherlock', with a smiley face inside of the 'o'. You shook your head, pushing away from the table, you'd seen enough.

Moriarty had single handedly broken into 3 of London's most heavily secure places. First the Tower of London, then the Bank of England, and finally Pentonville Prison. He wanted attention, that was for sure. But why break in and steal nothing, and why get caught? These had easy answers, he was up to something. And it meant nothing good for you or for Sherlock. It seemed he was showing off, sending a message that said "I'm capable of anything". You really didn't want anything to do with this case.

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