A Study in Pink: The End

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When Mycroft caught sight of the three of you, he started walking in your direction, his face dark. You were sure John was getting a bit anxious not knowing who Mycroft was. He was, to most, an intimidating man. You met Mycroft halfway as he looked over the three of you with a stern look, that was mainly focused on Sherlock.

"So! Another case cracked. How very public spirited. Though that's never really ever your motivation, is it?" Mycroft asked his younger brother, face deadpan.

"What are you doing here?" Sherlock questioned, looking at his older brother. You could see the annoyance in Sherlock's eyes, he didn't like his big brother checking in on him. You were sure it made him feel just a bit... incompetent.

"As ever, I'm concerned about you." Mycroft said, then glanced towards John. He'd offered John to spy on him, this was an explanation as to why.

"Yes. I've been hearing about your concern. Apperally you've sent someone to spy on me now." Sherlock crossed his arms, and you placed your hands into your pockets, rocking back and forth on your heels. Mycroft glanced at you but you found interest in your hands. You didn't want to explain that one.

"Always so aggressive. Does it never occur to you that you and I belong on the same side?" Mycroft looked at his brother, showing no emotion whatsoever. Sibling rivalry at its finest, you shook your head at the brothers. When you were a kid, you wished nothing more than to have a sibling, but now... You knew they'd most likely hate you. It was for the greater good your parents hadn't had another kid.

"Oddly enough, no." Sherlock stated. You rolled your eyes at Sherlock's childish behaviour, sometimes he just needed to grow up. You doubted that would be happening anytime soon.

"We have more in common than you like to believe. This petty feud between us, it's simply childish. People will suffer. And you know how it always upset Mummy." Mycroft stated. You nodded in slight agreement with Mycroft, he could be uptight but that didn't mean he was stupid. Sherlock shot you a look when he saw your nod, before looking back to his brother.

"What? What??" John asked looking in between them. His face was full of absolute confusion. He had no idea what was happening. You face palmed.

"I upset her? Me? It wasn't me who upset her, Mycroft-" John cut Sherlock off, completely puzzled.

"No, sorry, wait - Mummy? Who's Mummy?" John asked.

"My lord, John. They're brothers!" You exclaimed, getting a sour look from John in return.

"Yes, mother. Our Mother. This is my brother, Mycroft." Sherlock glanced over Mycroft before asking, "Putting on weight again?" He said this just to irritate Mycroft, who had an obvious insecurity with his weight.

"Losing it, in fact." Mycroft said smugly, leaning onto his umbrella.

"He's your brother??" John was still in utter shock, not yet caught up- and to think you said he was smart.

"Of course he's my brother." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, they're both geniuses... but can be utterly stupid at times. Not to mention stubborn." You crossed your arms at that as both brothers gave you a look. You ignored them, it was simply the truth.

"He's not..." John trailed off.

"Not what?" Sherlock asked, eyeing John.

"I dunno. Some kind of... criminal mastermind." John asked, a bit embarrassed. He had really thought Mycroft had been some sort of criminal. You couldn't see how, I mean, it was so obvious.

"Close enough." Sherlock told John.

"Oh for goodness sake! I occupy a minor position in the British Government." Mycroft exclaimed, annoyed by his little brother's actions. That was an often occurrence, it seemed to you like Mycroft and Sherlock never got along.

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