The Final Problem: The End

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(Holy crap, guys this chapter is SO long and took way longer than I thought to write. Sorry about that. I forgot how much happens at the very end of the episode that took a lot longer to write than pictured in the actual episode. Also, I'm not going to lie, I cried writing it. Like, I'm not even kidding, I actually cried writing this one. This is the rest of The Final Problem, but don't forget this isn't the last chapter of this book!!! I still have an epilogue coming!!! I just want to thank all of you again for everything. I love you guys. *me sobbing because I don't want this book to ever end* P.s. A very happy birthday to Milly!!!)


"Damn it!" Curse words flew from your mouth as you very slowly propped yourself up from where you were laying on the floor. Your eyes quickly scanned your surroundings, taking in the things around you. Your mind was foggy, but it looked as if you were in a tiny room of some sort. You were trying to remember how you'd gotten there when a voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Y/n!" Sherlock's voice rang out through an earpiece in your ear. You winced at how sudden and loud his voice was, but quickly regained your senses. Everything felt stiff and sore. Quickly you assessed yourself for any injuries before rolling your neck and shoulders, stretching out your muscles where you laid on your side. It seemed that you were clear of any wounds.

"Uh, yeah?" Looking around the room you were in, you quickly noticed pages neatly taped to the aged walls; dates and numbers jotted on each of them in fine print. You blinked hard, trying to get your eyes to focus as you studied them, still on the floor.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, um, I think so." Your hand rubbed softly over your stomach where you could still feel the baby squirming about, not making you feel the best by continuing to kick around. "Both me and baby are good." You confirmed before Sherlock could ask. There was a silence on the other end, but you knew Sherlock was relieved.

"Hey, have you talked to John or Mycroft?" You questioned, studying the room closer as you talked with Sherlock.

"Just spoke with John, he's okay. Nothing on Mycroft, though. I was hoping he'd be with you."

"Nope... He's not here." A frowned formed on your face as you hoped Mycroft was okay. You couldn't remember much after Sherlock and John had been drugged, you assumed you had been as well, but not enough to hurt the baby. Maybe Eurus did have a heart, but she really needed Sherlock to know something. You just couldn't tell exactly what yet.

"Do you know where you are?" He then proceeded to question.

You pushed yourself to your feet very slowly, which was a major struggle since you had nothing to help hoist you up. "No... some sort of room. It's small and it's old, it's been unused for years probably. There's a door but it's all chained up and there's a four digit passcode on the lock." You explained, studying the small digital lock.

"Anything else?"

"Papers on the walls with dates and numbers. Not sure what they mean. Where are you?" Thoughts raced through your mind of every possible scenario of how this would all play out but you suppressed them, focusing on the fact that everyone seemed to be okay. That's all that mattered right now.

"I'm in another cell, I spoke to the girl on the plane before John. Have you got in contact with anyone?" Sherlock sounded out of breath on the other line and you assumed he was pacing in his cell– out of worry or planning, you weren't sure.

"No, just you. How is the girl?" You scanned the papers on the wall as you studied the room, this time really focusing on the details. It was completely empty except for the papers, no furniture, nothing. There wasn't much to go off of.

You're in Sherlock (Sherlock × Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora