Chapter 2

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After the interview my secretary called and asked me to report ASAP
Coz Mr. Kapoor was waiting for me...
Hearing of his name I immediately ran off the studio and went into my car...Nikhil Kapoor

He was my mentor.. I m who I m just bcoz of him.. he is like a father to me he was with me when I had no one


I was washing the dishes when I felt a little dizzy... My head was pounding hard and I wasn't able to stand ... I wanted to grab something so that I could support myself bt nothing came into my hand and I was about to fall when two hands came to support me.... No it was not Mr. Kapoor bt his son Kabir... I don't remember what happened afterwards..  because I passed out in his arms

I opened my eyes to feel the warmness that was enclosing me... I felt it was a dream.. soft bed and a perfect blanket a fluffy pillow and a muscular body.. WAIT WHAT!!!  Muscular ... I suddenly opened my eyes and saw GOSH!!!

It was just Kabir. Sighing. I was about to get up from the bed when he called me And I turned toward him .

"How are you feeling"he  asked

He was really sweet , kind and good looking too any girl would fall for this  face...

"I m fine.. Thankyou"

He got up and informed his father about my well being. Than came my mentor Mr. Nikhil Kapoor with Mrs. Aabha Kapoor ... They looked very disappointed .

"Why didn't you tell us that u were pregnant.. that too with twins" asked Mrs. Kapoor

I was a little embarrassed. I didn't knew what to say... I just hope that they don't throw me out of the house... Becoz I have nowhere to go... I was a little scared and was about to apologize.. but

"You are not working here anymore. W-"

"No no no no plz don't throw me out of the house I have no where to go... I promise I won't fall ill I won't pass out just give me one chance just one chance please I promise ple-"

"STOP!!!" This time it was Mr. Kapoor
"Do  you even know what you are saying" he said

No and honestly I don't even care. I just wanted the job. It was the first time I passed out. That too becoz I was pregnant and was continuously working. Not that I opposed. I was one of the maid here and I lived with them. Like the other maid I also shared a room with two other maids. They were older than me bt where very supportive... I was really young.. being just 19 and pregnant was not easy especially in a country like India..
Bt they were nice people..

"We are not throwing you out aaru!!" It was Mrs. kapoor

She was really kind and my favourite I this whole mansion. Yes they were very rich almost like the Ambani's I was lucky to be a maid here. They paid really good. It was more than enough for me.

"We are just asking you to work less and take the maternity leave for the rest of the months... How many months are you??" She asked

"4 months" I said embarrassed as Mr. Kapoor and Kabir were watching me.

"Okay so you can work for 2 more months that too you will only do the dishes and help me with some of the chores... No overworking okay!! After the two months you will take complete bed rest... Am I clear???" She said more like ordered

"Yes" I said

flashback over

" Ma'am we have reached" my driver said.

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Mr and Mrs. Kapoor... As ram and gautami kapoor


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