chapter 22

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I called my secretary.. To again arrange the meeting for the investment issue

After few minutes.. We were sitting in the conference room discussing about the company... Every one was against the decision to invest in a company who has no progress in past 5 yrs..
But my plan is different...

"I know whatever you guys are saying is true but I think we should give this company a chance... Also I know that this company is not the ideal one but they are in desperate need of an investor I think this company wants to expand their business to global level... So we should provide them with the required money... " I said

" ma'am... We understand what you are saying but the base of the company is not strong... I mean they have not established themselves in India and they want to progress globally...which is has no future... It's suicidal for that company... "Liza one of my employ said

"Yes ma'am I mean first they should focus on their market in india... And ma'am few of my people in India have also mentioned that this company has no future...their market in India are drastically decreasing... atleast we should pick a company who can assure us some profit.. This company is a total loss for us ma'am... " Rahul my other employ said

"Yes ma'am if we invest in this company our money will be waste... " Bonnie my another employ said

They are right... But for my revenge I'll have to take the risk... Not that investing in his company will cause a huge amount of loss for my company...
Also in this revenge game my victory is for sure... But how should I convince them to support my decision... I need there full support to continue with my revenge...

Fear of failure will motivate them to succeed...

That's what Mr kapoor said.. Yes!!

I smiled and looked at all my employees...

"I am very impressed by all of yours observation... This thing indicates that you guys are taking this issue seriously... But I want to say that there are millions of reason to not invest in this company... There success rate, their market, their influence, their base etc etc etc..... But only one reason to actually invest in this company... And that is there hard work... " I said and looked at all of their faces..

As expected they were all confused..

I smiled...

"When I made the decision on investment... I met with my mentor... And the one thing that he told me... Was that.. Always make sure that the founders as in the person's business in which u are investing should end up indebt ,if the business fails... As fear of failure will motivate them to succeed... And that is what I want in a company... I don't want a big or successful company I want a failed company who wants to succeed... Who has this desperation to succeed.. And I think this is the best for that matter.... " I said

I again looked at all of there faces... God!! I hope they are convinced.. Coz I have nothing more to convince them...

After few seconds they all smiled and clapped for me... Thank god!!!

I smiled... And said

"I hope you guys will now support my decision... And be cooperative... " I said and smiled

"Absolutely ma'am.. " Said every one..

"Okay now Lisa I want you to go India and personally approach them... Coz I want this deal to get fixed... Tell them that we are interested in this investment... " I said

"Yes ma'am" She said

"And ya.. Make sure that they say yes.. In our terms and conditions... I don't want to loose this company neither I want any type of negotiations... Understand..? " I said

"Yes ma'am.. "

"Okay then Lisa you leave now for India I want this investment thing done as soon as possible... " I said

"Ok ma'am "

"So is there any doubt left regarding this issue or is it clear..?? " I asked

"Clear ma'am... " Everyone said

"Ok the meeting is adjourned... " I said and left the room

I went into my cabin and sat on my chair... I took out siddharth's photo...


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"Sid. I have achieved the 1st part of your destruction.. The second part is you... Just say yes to this deal... And I myself will begin your countdown.. I promise to destroy you they way you destroyed me , my trust and my love... I promise to make you pay for every sin you committed against will pay for everything....."I said looking at his photo

I smiled..

"I am looking forward to destroy you Mr. siddharth oberoi.. " I again said looking at the photo..

Above is aaradhya's look for the meeting... 🙂





Thank you🙏💕

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