Chapter 4

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Kabir's POV

"Mom!! Mom!! Ma!!!"I called

"What happened beta"

"When will they come"I asked

"Offo!! Beta they are on their way why are you being so restless"mom said and laughed

Yes. I am being restless. Bcoz it has been 1 week since I have seen her beautiful face Or heard her sweet voice. GOSH!! This is soo frustrating.
I just can't wait to see them not anymore. I don't know how I survived this 1 week but right now I just can't survive one second without them.

"Look there they are finally!!!"I heard my mom

I ran towards the door to see two beautiful angels running into my direction. I immediately leaned  and opened my arms to  hug them. They came running towards me and hugged me. GOSH!!! How I missed them!!! They both kissed me on my cheek

"We missed you soon much K " both of them said in unison.

I laughed. "I missed you too... Now to get inside Aabha aunty is waiting for you"
I said . If only they knew how much I missed them

"Hi Kabir "

Finally!! I heard her sweet voice. Until now I didn't realise how much I yearn to hear her voice.

"Hi aaradhya" I said and got up from my position to see her beautiful face .

Yes.. but it's a secret. I am secretly in  love with aaradhya. From the day I saw her I just can't stop thinking about her . Her beautiful big brown eyes , her perfect sharp nose, those pink lips, everything. She was like an angel to me.

"Kabir Kabir !!! Beta " my mom called

"Yes mom "

"Come inside... Why are you standing there alone?" She said

Oh!! I didn't realise.  I was still standing on the entrance of the mansion.

"Nothing mom just coming"I said

I walked towards the living area. Aaradhya was sitting with my dad and both were laughing at something. She looks soo beautiful .

"K c'mon let's play" said aaku and aadhu pulling me towards the lawn

"Ok ok angles.... Bt what do you wanna play"I asked

"Let's play badminton!!!"they said at the same time

"Okay little fairies!! "I said and saw that my mom was taking aradhya into the kitchen and dad was watching Sports.

Aaradhya was my mom's favourite.
For her aaru was like her daughter. Since the day she came into our house as a maid she stole everyone heart , including mine. I never told her about my feelings. We were friends and business partners. Although I have my own company and she has her own. But some of the resort's and club's are owned by both of us as partners. I don't wanna break our relationship with my feelings. Coz  I know she has a past , of which none of us are  aware . Everytime I look at her it becomes more and more difficult to understand her. And she being the secretive person never talks about her past... Not even with my dad..

"K c'mon take this racquet"aadhu said

After playing for about half an hour with them aaradhya called us to have dinner. We went inside, the dining area after few minutes. Aadhu and aaku sat on there places beside dad and mom. On seeing both of them they instantly smiled and all of them started to talk about there day.

I saw aaradhya coming out of kitchen holding water. She poured water into everyone's glass. I sat on my chair and started to have a conversation with dad. I didn't wanted aaradhya to label me as creep. After serving everyone there food, she sat beside me. Damn!! She smells soo good... 

"Ummm... Aaru the food I soo delicious!!!" Mom said

Yes... She makes really amazing food.. even though we have a lot of maids in the Mansion, whenever aaradhya comes  she insists of making food on her own. Not that I opposed of she is an amazing cook.

"Thank you aunty" she said and blushed

GOD!! She is so beautiful... I remember the first day i met her. She was new in the house. She looked like an angle in her maid's dress.....


"Mom dad!!!! Maaa!!  Where are y--
Ouch!!!! Can't you s--" I bumped into something or rather someone

Wow!! Who is she??. She is soo beautiful.
What is she doin in my house??. I looked at her from top to bottom. God!! She had a beautiful face, and a pair of hypnotising eyes anyone can get lost in those pair of beautiful brown eyes....
She had a slim body she looked so beautiful in that maid's uniform... I never thought anyone could ace a maid's dress but here she looks so amazing!!! I don't think that she even realize that she is beautiful.....

"I am soo s-so- sorry ple- please don't complain to Mr. Kapoor. It was my fault I promise I'll be more careful. Please please... I really need thi-"

"Stop..."I said softly

I didn't realise that I was gawking at her

"It's okay.. I won't complain.... But be careful okay" I somehow formed those words.

She thanked me and turned towards kitchen... I stood there watching till she disappeared into the kitchen....
I let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding...

Flashback over

Can't believe she is the same fragile girl, who once used to slutter.......

Hey guys above is the pic of Kabir Kapoor as Aditya Roy Kapoor

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