Chapter 15

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Flashback continued

The owner of the car was the same creepy guy!!! OMG!! Now I m scared

First he watches me like a creep and now.. Now what does he want now??

"Wanna ride?" He asked

"N-no I can walk ... Thanks" I said and walked hurriedly

" Oh c'mon... Don't be scared little one I m not gonna bite you.. " He said following me with his car.

Oh god!! Please save me...

I ignored and walked ahead now with more speed..he was following me I didn't knew what to do so I turned into some small gallery so that his car couldn't get inside of it...

As I turned into the gallery I was practically running.. After few seconds of walking more like running I looked back to check whether he was still there or not... And to my relief he wasn't.. I sighed and went straight towards my home...

As I went into my room... I locked it... in case he was still following me.. He wouldn't be able to come inside my apartment... I went into bathroom to have a warm shower... After that I changed into something casual and comfortable...

I went out of my room and into my living room... To see the creepy man was sitting on my sofa... OMG!!! How is he here???... I was freaking out... He turned around and looked at me top to bottom and smirked... I gulped my heartbeat was so fast... It was like my heart would come out...

He got up.. That's when I noticed Mr. Singh was also there... Omg!!! What's happening here?? I thought

The creepy man came in front of me and introduced himself as Mr.Azad Khan.. Should I consider this thing normal.?? I thought. I looked at him and again gulped... Was he gonna rape me and then kill me... If this thing continues...I am definitely gonna faint...

"I know you must be thinking how I came inside your house and everything right?? " He asked

I just looked at him... I was hell scared

"Well then as you know this apartment belongs to Mr singh so he had this spare key.... So we came... " He said

"W-why d-did you come" I asked scared

"We need a favour from you young lady"this time it was Mr. Singh

"Wh- what kind of favour.. I have nothing to give you I am poor" I said stuttering

"Oh!!! You have everything we want" Mr. Khan said

"W- what do you m-mean?? " I asked

Mr. Khan smirked and came more closer to me... I gulped  I moved backwards..

"W-why are y-you coming c-c-closer" I asked scared

I kept moving backwards till I hit the wall.... "What do I do now!!!" I thought

"What do you think... Why did your owner gave you this apartment" Mr khan asked..

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