Chapter 11

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"Dismissed " I said

Suddenly I got a call..

It was my buddy Rajveer..  I cut the call I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone today..

He called again.. I again declined

And he called again.. GOSH!! He is annoying!!

Picking up..

"It's better be something important otherwise I m gonna kill you" I said

"Ok bye then" He said

"What!? Are you insane.. Why did you call.. ?" I asked annoyed

"Look I value my life alot.. I don't wanna die.. I am just 33... I am not even married..!" He whinned

"Veer don't test my patience... Tell me why did you called... I will not ask you again" I said controlling myself

"Ok ok... It's just wanna invite you to my housewarming party.. Today.. " He said

"Okay I'll be there" I hang up the phone

GOSH!! He is very annoying sometimes...

I got up from my seat and went into my cabin... Today I had tons of work...


I was on my last file... When I checked the watch... It was almost 5 in the evening... I remember I need to go for veer's housewarming party..

I hurriedly got up and informed my secretary of my leave..

I got into my car my driver was already in there... He drove towards my house...

After few minutes... I reached my house and straight away went into my room to change into something casual

 I reached my house and straight away went into my room to change into something casual

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I went into my garage. As I wasn't in the mood of car. I took my bike and drove towards veer's new mansion.
Ya... Mansion coz he is also rich not as rich as I am but yes he owns a tech company... After few minutes of driving I reached my destination..

"Hey siddi!!! Welcome... And ya thanks for not killing me...." He said and laughed

"Don't call me siddi. And congratulations for your mansion... It's beautiful.. " I said waking into his house

"Thanks man" He said and went to attend few more guest's

"Hey... Sid " Naina said checking me out

I rolled my eyes.. Honestly I don't like her... She's veer's girlfriend... That's the only reason I bear her... Otherwise I would have killed her..

"Oh c'mon can't you even say hi to me.... Btw you look amazing today" She said coming closer

"Don't. You. Dare. Naina I have already told you I m not interested... " I said bluntly. She is impossible sometimes...

"Oh don't tell me that you are still not over with your ex wife"   She said irritated

"Wife!! She is my wife and we are still married"

"Seriously!!? That's what you think Mr. Oberoi... who knows what's with her... With how many men she have been with... C'mon she can't be successful with only hardwork... I must say she used her body in a ve--"

"Naina!! "

I didn't even let her finish as I grabbed her and slammed on the side wall..

"If you don't stop.. I swear I am gonna kill you.... "  I said angrily

She smirked.. And looked straight into my eyes... God!!! how I wish I could just choke her to death...

I left her there and went to grab a drink just to calm myself.

Naina lathur she'll never change... I don't understand out of all the girls in the world veer had to date her...

"Hey siddi what happend?? You look pretty pissed.." Rajveer said coming towards me

"Just break up with her" I said

"No not again siddi... I don't wanna talk about it" He said

Yes I have asked him like a thousand times to break up with naina... And he knows the reason...

"can't you see she doesn't care about you... All she cares about is your money... Look at her she flirts with every rich man... She doesn't love you veer! " I said giving the same reason

"Look I really don't wanna talk about it right now... I know it's complicated.. But it's between me and her... " He said sadly

I looked at him with pity eyes..

I know it hurts him that the girl he loves the most doesn't give a shit about him... Rajveer has been in love with naina since the college days... I still remember he was this nerd guy who had a huge crush on naina lathur 
She was our college's most popular girl... Every boy used to have crush on her and girls used to be jealous for her... But even in college she used to ignore rajveer....she just used him.. And then discarded him... I know even now rajveer is just her backup... She's the same girl.. With a evil plan to get married to a rich man...

We both looked at eachother and sighed.

After few drinks veer asked me a question..

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Thank you... 😘

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