Motherly Instinct - Aziraphale x OC

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My first Good Omens imagine! Yay!

Benedict Anne Hills was always a bright ray of sunshine, that always had a stormy shell, and she had always been that way.

She wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she was having a hard time. She had been a mother for three months now and with the father being a faceless one night stand, she had no one to call for child support. No external help but her snotty old cousin that always told her that she made the wrong choice in keeping Eliza Candy Hills.

Benedict did not think she made the wrong choice, she loved Eliza with her whole heart, but that didn't loosen the load, it only made it heavier, especially since she wanted the best for her.

Since Eliza had been an unexpected pregnancy, Benedict found herself shopping for soft toys and baby books to fill Eliza's room with, so the child could grow up happy, just like her mother did.

So that's how Benedict found herself pushing Eliza's pram carefully up a two and into a cozy looking bookshop at the corner of the street that she lived opposite, hoping that they had maybe a few baby books or story books for sale.

As she entered, a small bell tinkered, alerting whoever was working that a customer had entered. "We're just closing!" A charming voice called out from behind a bookshelf.

Frowning, Benedict began to turn the pram with a huff, not seeing a cute, tubby man wearing a pristine but old white suit with a bow tie and matching curly white blonde hair.

At first the man smiled before it dropped at the sight of her pushing a white pram which could be detached to be used as a Moses basket. "Oh, alright, I'll see what I can do for you." The man called, causing Benedict to swivel around to see who was speaking to her.

"Oh, oh thank you!" She gushed, carefully pulling the pram away from the door and cooing slightly as Eliza drifted to sleep. "I was hoping to ask if you have any children's books for sale?"

The angelic man frowned for a second before smiling brightly, "I think I have a few of them round back, I'll just nip back there to get them for you."

With that, he disappeared around a corner, just in time to Eliza to start crying. With a sigh, Benedict collected Eliza out of the pram and rocked her gently, "Oh, I thought you were sleeping, baby girl." She cooed softly, a smile pulling at her face.

When the man came back, he smiled considerably at the sight before him, not wanting to interrupt, but knowing he must. "Here, would these suffice?" This caused Benedict's head to snap up quickly, before she nodded and her smile dropped away slightly.

"Oh, anything will do as long as it keeps Eliza asleep for more than half an hour." She sighed, placing Eliza back into the pram so she could pull out her purse and pay for the books.

The man however shook his head at her actions and simply handed them to her, "you look like you need your sleep, they're on me." He smiled warmly, causing the young woman to cock her head to the side slightly in question of his kindness.

"Thank you.." she trailed off, hoping for a name so the next time she dropped by the store to check his stock on children's item, she could greet him.

"Aziraphale." He quickly slotted in, "a pleasure." He clasped his hands behind his back as she rose her eyebrows.

"Aziraphale?" She mused, "sounds very.. angelic." She complemented, causing him to get slightly flustered, "Well, I'll see you later, Aziraphale." She called as she reached the pram, tucking the books into the little basket below it before carefully exiting the shop.

"Goodbye.." he grinned widely..

"Eliza." Benedict cooed as she strolled down the street, a plastic back in one hand and her eleven month old daughter in her other arm. "Guess who we are going to see!" She sung as she turned towards the red painted bookshop she and Eliza visited almost every day.

"Assir!" Eliza attempted, event since she said 'mama' at six months old, Benedict and Aziraphale had been trying to get her to say his name, as well as Crowley's, a friend of Aziraphale's that Benedict met a few weeks after her first encounter with the blonde haired man.

As they walked in, the bell chimed, alerting the blonde haired occupants of their arrival, causing him to practically skip out the back room to scoop up his favourite tiny child. "Eliza!" He chuckled as she reached out to his face.

Once she was settled in his arms, Aziraphale gave Benedict a soft hug. "Bennie, how are you today?" He asked, noticing that the usually mallow girl was unable to contain her excitement.

"Eliza took her first steps this morning!" She practically screamed out, "and my cousin Harrison is finally warming up to her. He even put her to bed last night when I fell asleep on the sofa." She explained.

"She did what!" Aziraphale smiled brightly, glancing down at the tiny girl with a small blue ribbon tied around her head like a headband. "Do you think she could do it again?" He asked excitedly, giving the woman a hopeful look.

"Do you want to try?" She urged, kneeling down to the floor, Aziraphale copying her a second later before carefully standing Eliza up and keeping her upright with his hand on her back.

"Eliza.. come to mummy." Benedict cooed, smiling when Eliza began to take a step, but stumbled slightly. She smiled softly when she saw Aziraphale's hands reach out to steady her before she was off again.

This time she done a total of seven tiny steps, three more than she had done that same morning.

Excitedly, Benedict scooped Eliza up and held her in the air with her back to the ceiling before lowering her enough for her to blow a raspberry on Eliza's soft and squishy cheek.

"She done it!" Aziraphale gushed brightly before stumbling away, "I'm going to put the kettle on, a nice cup of tea to celebrate." Benedict nodded, placing her child on the floor in a corner that had a large fluffy sofa and a basket full of toys beside it.

When Aziraphale returned, he handed Benedict a cup and sat beside her, stiffening slightly when she adjusted herself so she could lean on him before sighing softly in contempt.

Aziraphale smiled softly and relaxed, intending to enjoy the rest of his day cuddled up with the woman he was slowly falling for..

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