After - Crowley x OC x Aziraphale

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Kinda stole from the story Incarnate by SupernovaTheCat

I loved the ending so much that I had to put my own spin on it. You should definitely check out their book, like right now.

There was a stupid sacrifice that Dalia knew she had to make to protect them. Sure, it damned her to the deepest pits of hell, but she done it, and she was proud.

After Adam successfully stopped Armageddon, Crowley and Aziraphale knew that Gabriel and Beelzebub would come to take their respective non human to be trailed and effectively killed.

So, Dalia called them to her. Stupidly.

The night after, Crowley and Aziraphale decided to stay in A.Z Fell & Co. to discuss ideas on how to escape their untimely deaths, whilst Dalia decided to go straight home to where she lived opposite Crowley, which unsurprisingly was how they met.

Dalia remembered the day perfectly, it was only a few hundred years ago, anyway. She had reached home and changed out of her sweaty clothes, contemplating how to save her two boys.

She couldn't let them die for saving the world, it wasn't fair.

That's when she decided that she should die instead, that way the two beings dedicated most to saving the world would live to continue.

That's how Dalia found her way running bare foot to St. James' Park at midnight, screaming at the top of her lungs to talk to the two beings, mentioning both Crowley and Aziraphale as leverage. That worked well in her favour.

"Take me instead." Dalia remembered saying the moment she saw both of the figures before her waiting expectantly. "Take me and spare them."

She remembered Gabriel laughing the idea off whilst Beelzebub waved him off, wanting to hear more. It was then that Dalia knew she would win this argument.

"Take me, damn me to hell, curse me to heaven in exchange for Aziraphale and Crowley's lives. Give me their punishments because they wanted to reserve humanity, in which all the trouble was caused and started over." This seemed to have put them off, so Dalia had to come up with a new way of wording her argument, she needed to win. "If God wanted it to be simply destroyed, as part of the Devine plan, why did she not do that herself? The same goes for Satan, he could simply poof his way into Earth and destroy it, yet it is still here. God put so much work and care into humanity and Earth and all living things on it, why would she want it to simply be destroyed."

She knew she had won them back as they contemplated this, so she grasped the situation with both hands and refused to let go. "Crowley and Aziraphale were preserving this idea, and if you still feel like punishing them. Take me instead. I pushed them to save humanity, to save me. So punish me. Make their work for nothing." She hoped what she was saying was false, she really did, but Dalia was to absorbed with saving them.

A short discussion later, the two mythical beings sentenced Dalia to death and life imprisonment to hell, only their single condition was for her to die before the demon and the angel themselves.

So they stayed in the park, for a full twelve hours, just standing there in the grass until the two finally showed up, not expecting to find Dalia standing between the two.

When Crowley and Aziraphale approached, they both noted on the triumphant smiles of their superiors and the solemn expression upon Dalia's, she had done something, and they knew that it was stupid.

"I don't regret this." Dalia smiled before stepping forwards and wrapping her arms around them both. "Not one bit, but I am sorry. You're are not going to enjoy witnessing this." With that she remembered pulling away to see their confused frowns.

She remembered so clearly their realisation before her body dropped to the floor, her death coming as fast as a blink.

She remembered the last thing she saw when she was alive; Crowley's hand reaching out as he lunged towards her to catch her falling body and Aziraphale desperately trying to miracle her back to life, despite knowing his attempts would be fruitless.

She remembered the last time she saw Crowley, it had been months since her death when she did, but he had came to speak to Beelzebub. They had deemed him a rogue, but he had to know whether you were still there, whether it would ever be possible to talk to you again.

She recounted passing by him in one of the large halls, slamming her shoulder into him, just to see him scowl once more.

Her eyes matched his, that is what caught him off guard before he turned and chased her down the hall until they were standing in an empty room, Beelzebub being the only other there.

Dalia had never seen so much pain and relief in his eyes ever, but it all turned to anger once he discovered that it would be the last time he ever got to enter hell, and she was never to leave.

Two hundred years later and the pair were still trying to break in, and all the while, Dalia sat on the other side, waiting with an ever present smile that unnerved them all.

They refused to even enter the corridor she sat in. For she had terrorised them all, hoping that they would eventually get rid of her, either by holy water or setting her free. Either way she was out of hell, but only one way was to her boys.

But she never stopped sitting there, she never moved, all the while her two boys were banging on hell's door a million miles away..

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