Demon Walking Angel - Crowley x OC - part 2

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I would just like to remind everyone that this is NOT typical Christian behaviour, this is just how Azazel has manipulated them to fulfil her needs and wants, they are nothing like this in real life. I go to a Christian school (like most students in England) and have many Christian friends, none are like this, I assure you.

I love my Christian friends and asked a couple to approve of this chapter, and they all laughed and enjoyed reading it. So if there is any offence taken, it was by no means on purpose. Thank you.

Crowley heaved out a breath as he and Aziraphale attempted to help the police force detain another root in London, Azazel stuck to her promise and this was the third riot since their first talk a year ago.

Crowley has seen her everywhere and she was unnerving him, just as she planned to do. She was walking past his flat. Browsing in Aziraphale's bookstore. At St. James' Park feeding the ducks. Shopping on the high street. Everywhere.

Azazel was enjoying this, however, watching her former friends suffer and struggle to catch up with her. It was the only way she could ever be one step ahead of him, he was always ahead of her.

First to hell, dragging her down with him. First to freedom, which he knew she craved so much. First to forgiveness from anyone, but he managed to get an Angel's forgiveness. It aggravated her, because he was even first to get her to fall. Not to hell, but for him.

That wasn't okay. And today was the day she was finally going to tell him. She just had to draw him out first.

With fiery eyes, she stood in the centre of the rioting crowd, waiting for him. She was not going to move, not an inch. She wasn't going to bat an eyelash, or hide her unnatural eyes.

She was going to draw suspicion to herself, draw the hate she had created to her. Draw the angel's attention; draw Crowley's.

The riot she had so cleverly started was religious, as always. They were storming a specific church, which had connections to hell. If Azazel was going to fall, as were they.

So there she stood, glasses off and tucked into her shirt and her hair pulled out of her face to avoid any confusion. Her eyes were unnatural. Certainly going to draw attention from the strong Catholic supporters.

And one did. She seemed to old to riot, which made it all the better. "Demon! Demon!" She chanted, swinging her handbag towards the practically immortal being,

Azazel saw this as her opportunity and latched onto the old lady's bag and ripped it from her grasp, earning a lot of looks, which turned into hate once they realised the old bat was right.

Azazel let her eyes burn brightly as she allowed them to beat and berate her, the angel still hadn't noticed and she was beginning to get frustrated. The petty humans were trying their hardest, but none of the Christians seemed to hit hard enough.

She guessed that the wimpy Christian stereotype was true, that was until one particularly buff man swung his fist into her head, smiling at the sickening crack that could be heard. That was it.

"Finally!" She hollered out, turning and slamming her fist into his neck, throwing him a bit back before he bounced back with a harder hit.

Aziraphale heard a sickening crack somehow over the loud screams and hollers before half the crowd turned to one particular person with blazing yellow orange eyes as she screamed out praise before throat punching down man, who retaliated twice as hard.

Immediately, he began to push his way through the crowd, letting out many hurried apologies as he went.

Once he reached the scene, he was horrified to find Azazel pinned with her arms behind her back and thick black demon blood oozing out of her nose and other places that Aziraphale could not see.

Worry seeped though him as he screamed Crowley's name over and over. Despite their clear hate for each other, they were old friends and Crowley cared for her.

Crowley heard his calls and and why's way over, eyes burning with hate as he ripped the humans off his demon friend before picking her up and allowing Aziraphale to lead them out of the crowd.

The entire hours walk back, Azazel was laughing her head off, blood spurting everywhere, earning the strangest looks from everyone around them, yet no one intervened. No one ever did.

"Azazel snap out of it!" Crowley screamed out finally once she was safely on the sofa. Her breath was ragged and he was sure that she was insane because despite not being able to die from their hits, she could still get seriously injured.

Right now, her mental state was the only injured thing in his eyes. "Azazel calm down!" She done so, quieting her laughs into almost silent giggles. "What were you thinking."

Azazel's face dropped, "I was thinking that it was about time I done this." She admitted before standing and making her way over.

Crowley, who was definite that she was going to slap him, rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but was shocked to find her lips upon his and her hands in his cheeks.

Aziraphale yelped in joy before Crowley snapped out of it and pulled away in shock, "I- Azazel!" He repeated, trying to make sense of what she done whilst she simply smiled and turned to Aziraphale.

"Fancy some tea tomorrow? I'm a bit busy right now otherwise I would have stayed." She asked rhetorically, "great. I'll be here by three." With that she reach out to Crowley and kissed his cheek. "See you later, babes."

With that, she was gone..

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