Demon Love - Aziraphale x OC

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She was a demon, but that didn't deter her. She liked the little angel that ran a bookshop in the corner of squat street in London, so she was going to be there.

It was not often that Andromeda found someone she liked, but she pinned that down to being a new demon, freshly dead, with her parents mourning in Kent, probably cursing to the heavens above, why God had taken her that way.

Why did that train have to hit her? Was it planned?

Andromeda knew it wasn't planned, she had done enough harm in life, life struck back a bit too hard, so she got a divorce, as she would put it.

London seemed a nice place to inhabit to her, she had always wanted to live there, but it was too expensive for the council flat girl. Now she was a demon, it was the perfect opportunity.

Aziraphale could sense a figure, she had no love, he knew that. He wanted to approach her, talk to her and show her kindness, so maybe she feels a little park of love or joy or any happy emotion.

Instead he was met with a sinister depression, just he had felt for Crowley when they first met, but it couldn't be a demon. They weren't allowed on Earth for more than a day or two after Crowley and Aziraphale stopped the Antichrist.

He was curious to approach her, she seemed so lost, so broken, but he knew that it may seem a little strange if a random man strolled up to her and introduced himself as; "I'm the guy that owns that bookshop you spend a considerate amount of time near, I couldn't help to notice that you're upset all the time." That would be ludicrous and creep her out, so he opted to try and help her the little ways; miracles.

However, they seemed to simply bounce of the girl, never really hitting home, but deselecting so someone else. It was as if she was protected by some force.

One day, as Aziraphale stood outside his bookshop, waiting for Crowley to come and pick him up before they went for lunch, the girl finally crossed the road to his side of the street.

A quick pulse of panic attacked the angel as he attempted to fix his appearance to give her a kind smile as she passed, but instead she stopped before him.

"Aziraphale." She announced, "A.Z. Fell & Co. smart name, not many people would pick up on it." She commented as Aziraphale attempted to sputter our a reply, "Now now, there is no need to reply, of course you know what I am."

Aziraphale's face was blank, he didn't know, he only had speculations. "Oh, really?" She almost laughed before poking a finger in her eye.

Disgusted, Aziraphale turned away, but once he had completely turned back, she was stood there with two milky white eyes; demon. He was correct.

"I need to talk to Crowley, if that's alright." She explained, causing Aziraphale to frown, she was the nicest and most polite demon he had ever met, and Crowley had started to use his manners.

"Crowley?" He repeated, dumbstruck, he finally got to talk to her, and she wanted to talk to Crowley, it was simply unfair, and he hated it, however, he still was an Angel so he had to hold in there.

That's when Crowley strolled through the front door, "come on Angel, lunch is on me." With that Aziraphale and Andromeda both spun on their heels and faced Crowley, slowing the man to a stop, "and demon. What are you doing here?" The demon smiled in reply.

"I need your help, Crawley." She pointed out, "I wouldn't just come to you for a nice chat now, would I?" She bit out sarcastically, Aziraphale could imagine her rolling her eyes when she was alive.

Crowley raised his brows, he knew how much Aziraphale had obsessed over her and was going to do all he could to push her into talking more with the angel.

"It's Crowley.. Come on, angel." Crowley repeated, "bring the girl." He added before leaving, Aziraphale going to follow him.

"You eat?" She asked the angel, stopping him, "I thought we didn't need to eat.." she trailed off in question, it was clear to Aziraphale that she was freshly dead, she had no idea of what she was doing.

Aziraphale nodded towards the door, "we don't need to, but I do quite enjoy eating the delicious ideas that humans come up with." He admitted, "Come on, Crowley doesn't like waiting."

"Then let's keep him waiting." She sighed, rocking on her feet, but jumping forwards when the angel nudged her towards the door, she laughed lightly. "I didn't think that an angel would do that." She commented. "Push me forwards, I mean."

Aziraphale rolled his eyes, "I nudged you, dear." He shot back before they left the shop and Aziraphale locked up. "I must warn you that Crowley isn't much of a safe driver." He pointed out.

"Oh, I've got a lot of experience with fast traveling vehicles." She joked, a little laugh sprouting from her lips, Aziraphale frowned in confusion, causing her to stop laughing and smile sadly, "I was hit by a train." She emphasised.

Aziraphale was shocked, "Oh, I am so sorry to hear that!" He apologised, earning a weird look from Andromeda as Crowley climbed into his car and revved the engine in annoyance.

Andromeda shrugged before climbing into the backseat whilst Aziraphale scooted in the passenger seat. "So what's up, love?" Crowley asked, almost bored.

Andromeda gulped, "How did you do it?" She asked him carefully, Aziraphale furrowed his eyebrows whisky Crowley shifted loudly.

"Do what, dear?" Aziraphale asked her carefully, turning his head to look at her, she was glaring out the window, as if it was the one thing she didn't want to hear about.

"Get past what made him a demon." She elaborated finally, causing Crowley to almost crash the car before he laughed loudly.

He turned his head towards her, expecting the girl to beg him to turn, but instead she just smiled at the speed, "you'll have to ask Aziraphale about that, because I fell for asking a question, I got over it quicker than you will, whatever you did anyway, will be a lot worse, higher expectations now." He explained before winking at the angel.

Aziraphale smiled slightly at Crowley for giving him a chance to talk to the girl before he closed his eyes and rested his head on the headrest, a content smile pulling onto his features..

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