Angel Wings - Aziraphale x OC

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Dia had always imagined what angel wings would look like, she could never even fathom their general shape at most. Angels were so ethereal and above humankind that it made it hard for her to follow the group and see small little white feathers that looked like they had been plucked from an unlucky swan, that was so long it scraped against the floor. It seemed too unreal to be true.

Dia had many ideas as to what Angel wings could look like, each idea as whacky or as serene as the next, but never the same, never as generic as the idea.

Angel wings was her obsession. When she drew, angel wings would find their way onto the page. When she wrote, angel wings would be referenced at least once. She always mentioned angel wings. They were her favourite thought. Favourite dream. The reason she hoped that she made it into heaven.

She went to church whenever she could as she was unable to make it most Saturdays in order to maintain a flow of money that guaranteed that her rent was paid and accounted for, after all, she didn't want to get evicted.

Dia adored animals of any type, being a foster owner for three Bengal cats named Orso - who was a year old. Butter - who was a couple of months old. And Toothpaste - who was coming up healthy and happy to six years old. She also had two parrots named Fred and George after the Weasley twins from the book series Harry Potter.

She took great pride in her pets and fosters, running an Instagram page to spread awareness and hopefully get them adopted by sharing their quirks and habits, posting videos of them playing in the front room or the kitchen, even if the rooms were messy and covered in their toys. She spoilt her fosters and birds as much as she could.

Today, Dia was doing some volunteer work for the cat shelter not too far from where she lived in Soho, London. She had the day off work and the animals were just lazing around and basking in the rare sunlight. Dia always got involved with the shelters in her area, she was a big in keeping them happy and healthy no matter what.

So when the shelter got a call from a local bookstore about a stray eauropean shorthair cat that had been sleeping on his bookshelves and ripping his cushions up, they sent Dia, their so called cat whisperer, to collect this cat.

So there she stood, just outside the bookshop that sat at the corner of the street, allowing more large windows to filter in light, Dia glanced up at the name before looking back at the note, telling her that she was correct in thinking that this was the place.

The shop was empty and, as far as she could tell, dusty but well kept. As she was unable to spot the owner, she made her way quickly over to the front desk and dinged the bell. "Hello? You called into the shelter about a cat?" She specified, though she received no response.

Politely, she waited a couple of minutes before dinging the bell again, calling for the owner, but to no avail. It was then that Dia decided to peel her head into the back room, her eyes widening in confusion at the sight of an adorable tubby man, dressed in white and baby blue with white hair, standing with his back to her stroking and plucking something that she could never believe was real.

"Are those angel wings?" She asked in disbelief, catching his attention before he spun around in shock, revealing two earphones dangling from his ears as his hands halted from stroking the fluffy white feathers and the few messy ones that contributed to the beauty of the wings - the angel wings - he was wearing. "Where did you get them? The quality of the feathers look amazing." She gushed as he slowly pulled each earphone out.

His mouth was jarred open, which she noticed a couple seconds later causing a red tint to protrude over her face. "Oh, I'm sorry for coming back here. You called in about a cat.." she trailed off, glancing to the floor as he continued to stare in shock.

After a second, he shook his head and put on a smile. "Yes, She is probably buried in one of my cushions round the front. I'll be out in two ticks if you would like to start looking for her." He stumbled out quickly, earning a nod from her as she quickly left, not wanting to embarrass him further.

Cautiously, she placed the pet carrier cage gently down onto the desk, making sure that she didn't forget the cat toys, a soft blanket and some cat treats before she stood silently in the middle of the room, her eyes darting around before she finally found the cat sitting on top of one of the higher shelves, her tail dangling off and swaying slightly as she relaxed.

"There you are." She mumbled softly, the cat paying no mind to her as she slowly crept forwards, her hand outstretched with a handful of Dreamies cat treats. As expected, the cat paid no mind to her until the scent of said treats caught her nose and compelled her into turning to see the approaching girl.

Immediately, the cat stood and crouched lowly on the beam, craning her head forwards to investigate the treats.

Dia had no idea that the owner of the bookshop had emerged and was watching her with intelligent eyes as she waited for the cat to go to her before she could reach her and take her safely to the shelter where she could have a clean and healthy home that doesn't involve ruining others.

After about an hour and a half of coaxing, as to not scare the cat away or cause a spat to emerge, the gentle female extracted the cat and cradled her in her arms, slowly standing as she gripped the extra skin on the cats neck for a better hold as a mother cat would carry her kittens.

Her eyes widened in shock at the man standing before her with bright eyes and a large smile. "I'm sorry that I took as long as I did, but I pride myself in rescuing animals in the kindest way possible. She isn't very trusting as it seems." She explained calmly, proud of herself for not jumping out of her own skin and scaring the cat away once more.

The man allowed his eyes to widen in surprise at her apology, "oh, I wouldn't worry, dear." He told her sheepishly, "it wasn't any hassle at all." He insisted, moving out of the way so she could pass and put the cat in the carrier.

"Have you named her?" Dia quizzed him, locking the cage after piling a few treats inside to keep her happy, "the callers almost always name the cats they call in." She elaborated with a smile as she turned around.

The man thought for a moment, "Dia." He concluded with a smile, Dia, the human, in response almost burst out laughing at the coincidence. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked her worriedly, his eyes widening in surprise.

Dia shook her head, "no, oh no, you haven't." She assured, a large smile taking place on her hidden laughter, "it's just that Dia is my name." She concluded, watching as he broke out into a grin too at the coincidence.

"My, that is rather surprising." He laughed, "my apologies." He began, only for her to wave him off as she checked on the newly named European Shorthair Dia.

Slowly, she poked her finger inside the cage and the cat purred, "don't be, it's not everyday a cat is unknowingly named after me." She teased, before frowning and looking up at him, "I am terribly sorry. I never got your name."

The man waved her off, "Aziraphale." He informed her, "pleasure to meet you Dia." He held out his hand, which she dutifully shook with a bright grin.

"Angel I-." Their handshake was cut short as a tall lanky man with rich ginger hair and a swanky style that included, to Dia's dismay, sunglasses indoors. "What's going on here?" He asked, a smirk pulling onto his face.

Dia distracted herself by turning back to the needles named Dia and smiled at the now sleeping cat, listening as Aziraphale explained why Dia was here and the whole cat problem.

Dia sighed and straightened up, collecting the pet carrier from the desk, alerting the two that she was still there, "I should be going now." She informed them, holding the cage up so she didn't have to elaborate.

They both said their goodbyes and allowed Dia to leave, but before she made it completely out, she poked her head back in, "but I might pop round at some point in the foreseeable future so you can show me those swanky angel wings." She hummed, watching as he lit up red.

Smiling in accomplishment, Dia left the bookshop, almost laughing when she heard the man yell ou in pure shock;

"She's seen your wings!?"

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