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Matan Fada, Katsina State.

She finished reading out her hifdh to the Mu'allim; teacher, and drop a sigh of relieve and happiness. Finally, she is done and she has the whole Holy Qur'an in her head, memorised. There is no better feeling than that in the whole wide world. She felt elated and very happy, ecstatic even but can't really jump in joy in front of her Mu'allim, he'd think she's crazy.

"Barakallahu fikh; May Allah bless you." Her Mu'allim grinned at her as if he just came out of his trance also. She was also lost in the words she's reciting that she didn't know she was done with the last surah till she dropped it. She would've continued if not that it was Suratul Nas.

"Shukraan; Thank you." She smiled shyly at her crush before standing up from the chair and joined the rest of her classmates on the mat.

She's crushing on her teacher ever since he came to the village. He came from the city to teach and he'll go back after three years, his time will be done. The government paid him to do so for three years as they took him from another school in the city, he is qualified enough to teach in another state.

He told them that he's just twenty four and lives in the city. He's tall but not so very tall, just taller than her. He has beautifully trimmed beard, white straight pearls and one dimple on his left cheek that always hid itself because of the beard. He studied to be a pilot but didn't use his degree and decided to teach a little.

He is also very neat, unlike the other village teachers so every female unmarried and married specie has crush on him, not like he doesn't know, he just don't show it. Maybe he is not into bragging about his looks and just let other people go gaga.

"You're done! I'm so so happy for you, Falak." Marawiyyah squealed, hugging Falak in a quick side hug before they adjust their seats and face the teacher.

"Falak is finally done, Alhamdulillah! I'll like to give her a small present in front of you all. You should also quickly catch up before I leave so you can have your gifts too." Mu'allim Bilal announced, smiling proudly at Falak before asking her to step forward.

He gave her a small box that looks like it's from the city and not her village for she had never seen it there. It is purple velvet and looks like a jewelry box but she kept her curiosity, as curios as she is, she wants to sit back down before she opens it or wait to go home.

"Jazakallahu Khairan; May Allah reward you, Mu'allim Bilal." She beamed, collecting the box from him.

"Anytime and congrats." He smiled at her and ask her to go back to her seat. They all prayed and went home since she took all the time today whilst reciting ten juz'.

"Can you believe this? I'm done and my first crush gave me a gift. Oh my God, I feel so happy right now, Marawiyyah." Falak squealed again, squeezing her friend.

"Okay okay, I get it woman but stop squeezing me like this." She chuckled at her weird friend as they continue to walk down the red soiled ground.

"I can't wait to tell Abba that I'm done. That i finally did it!" She grinned, not able to stop herself from doing just that.

"You did it! I should probably get going. I know Idris is already waiting for me, I'll see you later." She blew a kiss at her before running off, not caring that there are a lot of people since that's very normal in the village.

Falak laughed, she's eager to go see her fiancée. He came from the city just to marry her after seeing her once selling groundnut. How cute! Falak thought before running off to her own house, bumping into one of her long time enemies, not enemies but she hates his guts.

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