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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak's heart started beating many miles per second after that phone call from the huge mosque in the palace where she could swear there are more than five hundred people in there. Many people want to attend the wedding of the first son to the King and also the next King in Kano not to talk about wanting to see the beautiful idol of a princess that everyone talks about in the whole state.

Distant relatives from other states and countries are there in the palace to attend this grand event. If Falak wasn't the one getting married and is living in Kano, she would've paid to come to that wedding. Not only do Kano people talk about it, Ummi yelled around the room after seeing some renowned people posting the pictures of them on their stories and tagging Falak who doesn't even know where she kept her phone, she didn't have time for it.

She went into her mother's room for the phone call and she was given a small old button phone that was put on speaker where she agreed to marry Shaddad three times and didn't regret it, she only felt the tickle of years burning her eyes. She willed them to go back and put her bright smile.

She can't wait to find herself in her home along with him. The evil thought floating around her head is itching to be out and she will let them. For once, she didn't find the love for Shaddad ruining her plans but building more of it. She even thought she doesn't love him again but she knew that deep down, she just wants to avenge being rejected more times than she could count. If he hadn't rejected her that one last time, she would have forgiven him but he just stuck something she won't be able to forget.

"Falak, can you see how popular photographers are tilting around the palace? There are from a lot of states around Nigeria and I'm going to take some pictures, bah bye." Basma whispered in her ears before graciously leaving the room they are placed in.

There is this room that is placed right in front of the palace where traditional things are delicately decorated and Falak was amazed. There is another small room inside where mother told her she will change her outfit when her groom is coming and Falak almost did a happy dance because she doesn't have to go back to the main palace, the walk back to the main palace is long.

A large cushioned stool was placed in the middle of the room where she sat down and her face was closed with the alkyabba hood. She watched her Indian ordered slippers that was embroidered in seaweed and silver and has a curve at the front. She fell in love with it after Nevedita sent it to her as wedding gift and was elated that is fortunately matched together with her outfit and she doesn't need to wear heels.

Falak is sitting silently with her girlfriends sprawled on the skin royal carpet taking photos with their phones. Whenever anyone is trying to take photos of the bride, they will walk into the room but the Queen said they should not be too crowded. Falak was overwhelmed with all the attention but kept quite and begged Jaiyana to look for her phone so she won't be bored.

Three hours later, Falak was pushed to the room to change her outfit and the sun is slowly going down as five is making it's way.

She changed into a granola coloured lace, stitched in fitted gown and the sleeves are net, trailing down behind her and the cape was designed from her back like wings and also went down and some inches trail down her heels. Falak whined about wearing the biscotti ankle strap heels with matching veil and her mother said she won't be wearing the alkyabba because her husband will see her like that and with alkyabba, she is closed.

Her head was tied in a unique twisted biscotti raw silk and Tahira added some small silver beads to make it look more elegant and she did. She took the nettish silver veil from the bed and drape it around her shoulder, she sighed and left the room before getting blinded by phone cameras and real cameras.

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